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Rachel S.
Experienced Math and English Tutor 
Howard University

Fun Facts

One of my hobbies and passions is singing. Often times, I sing or hum wherever I am. I am the only girl and the last child of three. My family is Jamaican. Occasionally,I write poetry.

About Me

I am a sophomore Nursing major at Howard University. I am a member of the Howard Gospel Choir of Howard University. After graduation, within two years time I plan to obtain my Master's in Neonatal Nursing. I also want to work as a travel nurse and as a missionary nurse as well.


As a volunteer first, then an employee of The Lighthouse Program, I would help students with homework in the after-school program and academic enrichment during the summer program. Working for Frog Tutoring will allow me to do what I love best, helping children.


In high school, occasionally I would struggle with Math but I encountered a teacher who was able to break everything down to me, so that I could grasp the concepts. As a tutor, I hope to be a help to students, like my teacher was to me.

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Howard University


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Improving Your Study Skills

I was once one of those students who would cram information and struggled with how to study and how to do...

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Middle School Math Tutoring

In middle school, I excelled in my Math class and I was always assigned to help other classmates with concepts they did not understand.

Math Tutoring

I have taken Elementary Algebra, Middle School Algebra, and Algebra I and II. As an employee of The Lighthouse Program I assisted grades K-8th with math assignments.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taken Elementary Algebra, Middle School Algebra, and Algebra I and II. As an employee of The Lighthouse Program I assisted grades K-8th with math assignments.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

As an employee of the Lighthouse program I always assisted students with Reading comprehension homework assignments.

Algebra Tutoring

I took Algebra I and Algebra II in High School and obtained an A in the class.

English Tutoring

In high school I was dual-enrolled in the UCONN Seminar for Academic Writing. Because of my success in the class, my teacher entrusted me to assist classmates in editing and revising their college essays. I received college credits for the course and obtained a B.

Writing Tutoring

In high school I always scored B or above on essays. I have also taken English 002 and 003. My final grade in both was a B.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

Since middle school, I have been using powerpoint for presentations and it was a requirement that I take a computer literacy course.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

As an employee of The Lighthouse program I utilize Microsoft word for creating letters, permission slips and e.t.c. In both high school and college, Word is required to type essays and various assignments.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I took Middle School Algebra, Algebra I and Algebra II.

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