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Tyler G.
Applied Mathematics major at Fontbonne 
Fontbonne University
High School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

All of my life I have loved playing outside and staying active. I currently play baseball at Fontbonne University, but I love to still play many other sports as well. I am also a big fan of the Cardinals, Blues, and Mizzou and love to watch their games on television and go any chance I get.

About Me

I am a senior Applied Mathematics major at Fontbonne University. I have been on the Dean's List five semesters, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.850. When I graduate I hope to become an accountant or actuary.


As a member of the A+ program during my senior year of high school, I had the opportunity to tutor 3rd graders at a local elementary school once a week in all subject areas. I loved getting the chance to work with kids and see them develop important life skills. Working for Frog Tutoring gives me the opportunity to not only help further young students education, but to also hopefully give them moments and experiences that will help them in other aspects of life outside of education.


As a tutor I will do whatever it takes to make sure the student is learning the material and realizes how great a feeling it is to have accomplished something. If a student does not like my approach, I will ask for their feedback and change what I am doing in order for the student to better the learning process. My main goal is to have the student to be able to know the material well enough to do the homework and perform well on the test, as well as enjoy the process of learning something new.

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Fontbonne University

Applied Mathematics

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7 Ways to Conquer Math

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Algebra Tutoring

I am an Applied Mathematics major, so anything that has to do with math is my specialty. I have always gotten A's in algebra without any problems. I am currently in Calculus II where we still have to use a lot of algebra, so my knowledge is very up to date.

Math Tutoring

I am an Applied Mathematics major, so anything that has to do with math is my specialty. I have always gotten A's in math without any problems. I am currently in Calculus II so my math knowledge is very up to date.

Math Advance Tutoring

I am an Applied Mathematics major, so anything that has to do with math is my specialty. I have always gotten A's in math without any problems. I am currently in Calculus II so my math knowledge is very up to date.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I am an Applied Mathematics major, so anything that has to do with math is my specialty. I have always gotten A's in math without any problems. I am currently in Calculus II so my math knowledge is very up to date.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I am an Applied Mathematics major, so anything that has to do with math is my specialty. I have always gotten A's in math without any problems. I am currently in Calculus II so my math knowledge is very up to date.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I am an Applied Mathematics major, so anything that has to do with math is my specialty. I have always gotten A's in math without any problems. I am currently in Calculus II so my math knowledge is very up to date.

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