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Amy W.
Experienced Math Tutor 
University of Texas at San Antonio

Fun Facts

I am a dedicated college student. I have excellent math skills and love to teach others. I am strong in mathematics and very patient when it comes to teaching. In my free time I love to bike riding and explore new places.

About Me

I am a sophomore at the University of Texas at San Antonio. My major is mathematics. My cumulative GPA is a 3.74. I plan to take my major and become a teacher or professor.


My academic strengths are most prominent in mathematical subjects. I thoroughly enjoy math and love helping others. I completed math classes up to Calculus II with a final A in every class. I became motivated to help tutor others because I have realized learning with someone else can be very helpful and fun. I have helped friends and classmates through math classes. My most memorable tutoring experience was with a friend who was struggling in College Algebra. I worked with him weekly and was able to boost his confidence and help him make a grade far better than he expected.


I believe every student is different. Every student has different learning habits and learn at a different pace. Their learning style is most important. Knowing how they learn will let me know how I can best help them. My method of tutoring is taking what they already know and expanding on it. They learn best with practice. Having someone to guide them and correct them will help them tremendously. One on one tutoring is one of the best ways to help a student. I can meet their needs individually.

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University of Texas at San Antonio


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College Algebra Tutoring

Completed and passed this college course with an A. I have also tutored a friend in this course and he was able to pass with a high B.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Passed this course in my freshman year of college with an A.

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