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Rubi V.
Basic Level Math & English, Spanish Tutor 
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I can start off by saying that my favorite sport is baseball! My favorite team are the LA Dodgers. I grew up watching and playing baseball. Baseball has been our passion in my family. We are currently building a baseball field, in Mex, where my dad grew up.

About Me

I am from the state California, born and raised. I grew up in Orange county. I am latina, my first language I was taught was spanish. Spanish has been my passionate. One achievement that I am most proud of is tutoring spanish with several families. My goal is to expand tutoring sessions to families who are welling to learn spanish.


I have experience tutoring several families with basic math, English and Spanish. I have only tutored elementary students. I consistently receive compliments from the parents on my patience in helping their children and on my amazing attitude towards their children. I would like to bring the same commitment to your company and families.


As a tutor I learned to have extra patience, finding different concepts to help them succeed in the area they need help in. Tutoring made me realize that it helps students focus in the areas they really need help in which helps them develop more their minds.

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