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Fun Facts

I love animals, and I was the president of the PAWS club at my high school with over 500 members! I volunteered daily at a local animal rescue, and quickly became the Head of Adoptions and Fostering there. I've fostered all kinds of animals, including a nursing pregnant rescue dog and raising her 8 puppies for 3 months!

About Me

I'm a first-year student at Florida State University, and I'm double majoring in child psychology/education and business! My goal is to use my business degree to create a company that will further the quality of early children's education. I have a passion for teaching and love children! I'm very outgoing, kind, driven, patient, and encouraging! I'm always referred to as the "mom friend".


I've always loved sharing my knowledge with others and helping children explore their learning styles. I began by education career by tutoring young children and found a passion in helping each of them find their "aha!" moments. As I continued tutoring children, I founded my own SAT preparation company, SAT Sail Tutoring. Each of my students receives their own personal learning plan after an assessment session, along with skill-specific worksheets, study guides, and practice tests.


I pride myself on upholding my own unique tutoring philosophy in my education career. I believe, through my experience with my own education and others, that each child learns in their own way. Many times, the modern education system and curriculums are too rigid and expect every child to have the same "aha!" moment. In reality, no two minds can be taught the same exact way. I'm a firm believer in the use of personal learning styles and skill specialization.

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Florida State University

Child Psychology/ Education and Business

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Algebra Tutoring

I have experience tutoring both middle and high school algebra, as well as SAT math!

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