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Fun Facts

I am an independent programmer, musician, and digital artist. I love using Math, Science, and Technology in different projects I am working on. I enjoy conveying complicated ideas to people in small manageable chunks and then seeing them realize the big picture of these ideas. 

About Me

I am an extremely calm and helpful person who strives to understand and convey the big picture of Math and Science. I strive to utilize math in computer programming, art, and music. I have tutored quite a diverse group of people in the past and believe I can communicate quite effectively with anyone.


I have been tutoring Science and Math for over 10 years. I have worked with many different types of people in many different subjects.


I usually first establish exactly where the student wants to get to by however many tutoring sessions we have. I then seek out a baseline knowledge of the subject matter through a few questions of my own. Then I try to formulate a plan based on how much time we have and where we need to get to. This plan involves hitting the major areas of the subject matter that I have learned from experience.

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Metropolitan State University

Computer Science

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