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Kelcey W.
Freelance English teacher  
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Test Prep
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

I love history and I love to read about it or go to Museums and I love to teach the English language I hope I can provide a fun and easy way of learning for all my students

About Me

I'm a Freelance English teacher teaching or tutoring in the English language and I'm excited to be able to teach more people i can teach from beginner level English to advanced.


I have a certification in TESOL/TEFL and freelance teach during my free time and i'm ready to teach more i'm very eager to gain more teaching experiences and learn and Grow with each Student.


one approach I will be Using is TTT method which is Teach, Test, Teach.
Test – First, the students are given an activity that tests their understanding of a certain topic.
Teach – From the observation of this task, the teacher will identify areas where students are making mistakes, or have limited understanding.
Test – Finally, the students will be given another test activity similar to the first. depending on the level of the student i can see there strengths and weaknesses and help them grow

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ESL Tutoring

120 hour accredited course of TESOL/ TEFL

ESL/ESOL Tutoring

120 hour accredited course of TESOL/ TEFL

TOEFL Tutoring

120 hour accredited course of TESOL/ TEFL

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