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Henny K.
Math and Reading Tutor 
University of Hawaii--Manoa
High School

Fun Facts

I love doing outdoor activities like hiking, walking, and gardening. I also love to cook and bake in my free time. I like to play board games like Catan Siedler, A Ticket to Ride, and Uno.

About Me

I earned my graduate degree in Food Science and my bachelor's degree in Business in Hawaii. I was a research/teaching assistant for 2 years while working on my own research on Hawaiian tea. I also worked as an accountant for a year. After I had my own children, my passion shifted to teaching. I love working with children and I can make a difference in children's lives. I want to be a school teacher once my children are in college.


Currently, I am working with children in elementary school on their reading and math difficulties. I also volunteer in public school during my free time. I worked with college students in the laboratory in the past. I also worked with middle school children on solving their math problems. Frog Tutoring gives me the opportunity to make a difference in children's lives using the online platform.


I love and am passionate about working with children. My approach in working with children is always through positive encouragement, consistency, and patience. I believe all children have their maximum potential and that they will succeed in whatever they do as long as they put their minds to it.

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University of Hawaii--Manoa


University of Hawaii--Manoa

Food Science

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