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Fun Facts

I love everything about books! Sometimes I even wear little book-related trinkets or clothes, so I can share my passion with others.

About Me

I am a college English teacher and mom of 4 adult daughters. We're about to welcome our second grandbaby to the family! I love working with students and I'm passionate about making learning accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


I have been teaching college English for 3+ years. Before teaching, I worked in academic support while finishing my own education. I hold a Master of Science in Higher Education with a teaching focus in English, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. My experience also includes SAT prep tutoring, presenting study skills workshops, and tutoring graduate students in APA and MLA writing styles.


I approach learning with the expectation of being flexible based on the needs of each individual student. Learning should be fun and never stressful, and I strive to help my students achieve this.

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Tarleton State University


Texas A&M University--Commerce

Higher Education

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English Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Study Skills Tutoring

At a previous job, I was responsible for teaching study skills workshops.

Writing Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Writing Advance Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Literature Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Graduate Level Writing Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

AP English Tutoring

My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

SAT Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

SAT Reading Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

SAT English Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

ACT English Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

ACT Reading Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

STAAR Reading Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

Reading Tutoring

Previous experience in teaching SAT test prep sessions. My degree includes an English teaching focus, with half of my graduate courses in ENGL.

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