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Fun Facts

My drive to create great stories and in-depth articles for people to enjoy is only matched by my love of experiencing the stories of others. I love reading almost every kind of written material on a large variety of subjects, I love playing video games for their storytelling capabilities, and I love finding new webcomics or t.v. shows that tell good stories! I also love to sing, particularly old folk songs that have a lot of stories behind them.

About Me

I am a senior in the English department at North Carolina State University. I'm an avid writer, and have worked with the Downtowner Magazine and Baen Books. When I graduate I hope to move to California and pursue a writing career there. My ultimate goal is to be a published author of fiction books, and a professional writer for non profit organizations dedicated to making the world a better place.


As a member of the English Department at NCSU, I've had many opportunities to reach out and help other classmates acclimate to humanities courses. I've also learned a great deal about the history, mechanics and applications of written language. My two internships with Baen Books and the Downtowner have also greatly helped me build meaningful and informative experiences.


When I was a kid I often had trouble getting concepts on the first explanation. Particularly if it was mathematics or science, or even grammar. My mom spent a lot of time with me as a kid, just playing games with me to help get the concepts across. I also had a lot of high school and college professors who emphasized expressing yourself creatively as a means to learn material. This lesson is invaluable to me, and I prize being able to help people learn and express themselves.

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North Carolina State University

English: Language, Writing, and Rhetoric

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Algebra Tutoring

I passed my highschool and college algebra classes with a's and b's respectively. I still have quite a few of my algebra textbooks and websites saved from when I was learning the courses. As an English major, part of my core curriculum was mastering algeb

AP English Tutoring

I am a senior in the English department at NCSU. Every class has been devoted to learning about and employing the English language effectively. I would highly enjoy helping other students achieve that goal.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I can help students in highschool research and complete homework assignments. I can also help with goal-setting and creating reasonable timetables for said goals. I have had experience in helping my younger cousins develop homework strategies and helped them understand and maneuver through the exercises.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I've taken college-level algebra classes, and I'm familiar with the online resources that are available to help students grasp the concepts. As a child who had difficulty with pre-algebra and algebra, i was exposed to a lot of different teaching methods to help me learn, and I remember them vividly.

Study Skills Tutoring

I've taken quite a few self-development classes at NCSU. Usually they are for choosing a major, and helping with internship experience, etc. However they emphasize good time management and organizational skills, which I feel are very important to apply to studying.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I have a lot of experience in college in composing writing for different purposes. I'm working with the Downtowner magazine now to review and produce articles, last semester I worked with Baen books and learned about fiction writing. Before college, my highschool heavily emphasized rhetorical argument and forming critical analysis of scholarly rhetorical work. I can help students compose an essay, an argument, or help them express themselves creatively if they want.

History Tutoring

I've taken highschool and college level history classes, and I can help put historical events in context. I can also help prepare study guides and teach note-taking skills to help in memorization .

Math Tutoring

I've taken highschool and college-level mathematics classes and can help students understand basic-level mathematics. I can also try teaching the same concept multiple ways in case one is particularly confusing or trying. I remember having to do things different ways when I was that age.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I've taken highschool and college-level mathematics classes and can help students understand basic-level mathematics. I can also try teaching the same concept multiple ways in case one is particularly confusing or trying. I remember having to do things different ways when I was that age.

Science Tutoring

I can help tutor in middle school scientific subjects. I've taken college-level biology and chemistry courses, and my mother is a botanist. I've grown up around scientific discussions, and through that I've learned a lot of ways to make the material more approachable.

Communication Tutoring

I have taken multiple communications classes and english classes geared toward successful communication throughout multiple media outlets. My current internship is a magazine production and heavily emphasizes written communication in various formats. I ha

English Tutoring

I am an English major, and my degree has emphasized correct grammar, writing, and punctuation as a baseline for graduation. My degree program also focuses on organizing and presenting content coherently and argumentatively. I have tutored friends in the e

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I am a senior pursuing an English degree at NCSU. My degree courses have all heavily emphasized reading comprehension via response exercises. I have helped other students in more scientific degree tracks acclimate to required humanities courses.

Writing Tutoring

As a senior in the English department at NCSU, I have an extensive amount of practice writing both creatively and rhetorically. I enjoy helping fellow students learn to express themselves personally and effectively in writing.

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