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Fun Facts

I love music and the arts. I've been playing guitar and bass guitar for over fifteen years.

I also really enjoy theater. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theater with an emphasis in performance. I worked at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon for a season. I performed in Othello and Our Town.

I also have my private pilot's license. I earned my license in less than three months with just 49 hours of flight time.

About Me

I am currently working on a degree for mechanical engineering at portland-state-university">Portland State University.

Before moving to the Portland/washington/vancouver">Vancouver area to go back to school I worked on a newly developing vineyard for nearly four years. I mostly built infrastructure. I laid irrigation, operated heavy machinery, did woodworking, metalworking, electrical wiring, concrete pouring and finishing, as well as a slew of other things.

Once I finish school I hope to get into the space flight industry.


I have eight nephews and nieces, ranging in age from newborn to fifteen-years-old. Over the years I've spent countless hours helping with school projects and hobbies. Two of my nephews actually worked with me on the vineyard for a short time. I was able to help teach them many valuable job and life skills.

I am also a well-disciplined and hard-working student, which often leads to other students asking for my help, which I am more than happy and willing to give.


Everyone learns in different ways. The key to helping someone understand concepts is to quickly recognize how that person best learns and adapt to that style.
I'm adept at recognizing when a technique isn't working. When that happens, I quickly change course and figure out how to convey material in a way that can be easily understood.

As for myself, I am a hands-on learner. If a concept can be better elucidated with the aid of toys or tools I will readily use them.

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Portland State University

Mechanical Engineering

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Algebra Tutoring

I have a solid grasp on the rules and techniques of algebra. I completed algebra my sophomore year of high school and earned an A grade. I am currently studying advanced calculus. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

Algebra II Tutoring

I have a solid grasp on the rules and techniques of algebra. I completed algebra my sophomore year of high school and earned an A grade. I am currently studying advanced calculus. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

Math Tutoring

I have always had a strong understanding of math. I also very much enjoy learning and teaching math. I am currently studying advanced calculus in order to earn a degree in mechanical engineering. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have always had a strong understanding of math. I also very much enjoy learning and teaching math. I am currently studying advanced calculus in order to earn a degree in mechanical engineering. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

Math Advance Tutoring

I have always had a strong understanding of math. I also very much enjoy learning and teaching math. I am currently studying advanced calculus in order to earn a degree in mechanical engineering. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have always had a strong understanding of math. I also very much enjoy learning and teaching math. I am currently studying advanced calculus in order to earn a degree in mechanical engineering. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have always had a strong understanding of math. I also very much enjoy learning and teaching math. I am currently studying advanced calculus in order to earn a degree in mechanical engineering. I have studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and linear algebra.

College Algebra Tutoring

I have a solid grasp on the rules and techniques of algebra. I completed algebra my sophomore year of high school. I am currently studying advanced calculus.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I've always had strong reading comprehension skills. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theater with an emphasis in performance. I have studied a variety of literary works, including Shakespeare.

Arts Tutoring

I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theater with an emphasis in performance. My final GPA was 3.63.

I have played guitar and bass guitar for more than fifteen years.

I have a basic understanding of drawing techniques.

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