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Fun Facts

I love travelling to unfamiliar places. I enjoy any and all outdoor activities: horseback riding, hiking, rafting, etc. I’m 'almost' trilingual, still working on my Spanish. After I become fluent in Spanish I aim to learn French. I love playing Volleyball. I earned my 1st degree black belt in Teak-wan-do, and I ran for my High School and college Track teams. I love soccer, but I never played. I enjoy singing and dancing, although I'm terrible at it.

About Me

I graduated High School with an IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma and then enrolled into Oakton Community College. I earned an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts. I am now a student at the chicago">University of Illinois at Chicago. I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a minor in Business Administration in May of 2017. Next, I hope to graduate with a Masters in Business Administration and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California in San Diego.


I was recommended to be a math lincolnwood">tutor at my college and worked as an assistant teacher in 2 classes, composed of approximately 30 students each. I also have experience working with younger students because I worked as a substitute teacher for elementary students, and also because I spend a lot of my time lincolnwood">tutoring my younger brother who is now a freshman in High School.


I have a passion for teaching and I'm extremely confident with my ability to deliver information in a fun and entertaining manner. My way of teaching myself is through stories and cues and thus, I am positive to deliver concepts to the students in the same manner to keep education interesting. It is my goal to combine my range of experience with my ability to be compassionate and enthusiastic in order to impact the lives of each and every individual I work with.

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University of Illinois at Chicago

Psychology/ Business Administration

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Science Tutoring

I have a passion for all sciences, no matter what courses I took in Science I always seemed to exceed expectations. I was recommended an Honor student by my last Biology professor. I took courses up to Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoy learning about the processes that take place in our bodies as well as in our surroundings. I like to make teaching fun, so I invent unique ways to keep information where it belongs.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Many people like to sweat the little things, and Math is one of those "little things." If you think its impossible to achieve something you'll never achieve it. I want to show you the color in math, I want to show you how fun it could be, and I want to teach it to you in a way that will stick with you forever.

Geometry Tutoring

I love Geometry! It is the base of Math and the funnest part of it. If you do not enjoy Math I'll make sure to change your mind about that.

Biology AP Tutoring

I have a passion for Biology, no matter what courses I took in Biology I always exceeded expectations. I was recommended an Honor student by my last Biology professor. I took courses up to Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoy learning about the processes that take place in our bodies as well as in our surroundings. I don't have good memory and for that reason I invent fun and unique ways to keep information where it belongs.

Biology Tutoring

I have a passion for Biology, no matter what courses I took in Biology I always exceeded expectations. I was recommended an Honor student by my last Biology professor. I took courses up to Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoy learning about the processes that take place in our bodies as well as in our surroundings. I don't have good memory and for that reason I invent fun and unique ways to keep information where it belongs.

Trigonometry Tutoring

Although many people consider Trigonometry a difficult subject, I find it to be one of the most interesting subjects in mathematics. If you fully understand the rules, you'll have no trouble solving even the "toughest" problems.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

When I took Pre Calculus in college, I ended up tutoring my class instead. I aced my class and was recommended to work in the tutoring office at my College.

Math Advance Tutoring

Many people like to sweat the little things, and Math is one of those "little things." If you think its impossible to achieve something you'll never achieve it. I want to show you the color in math, I want to show you how fun it could be, and I want to teach it to you in a way that will stick with you forever.

Math Tutoring

Many people like to sweat the little things, and Math is one of those "little things." If you think its impossible to achieve something you'll never achieve it. I want to show you the color in math, I want to show you how fun it could be, and I want to teach it to you in a way that will stick with you forever.

Economics Tutoring

I took Introduction to IB (International Baccalaureate) Micro- and Macroeconomics in High School, and then took another course of Macroeconomics in College. I hope to major in Economics as it is in my interest to learn more about the economy as well as human incentives.

Biology I Tutoring

I have a passion for Biology, no matter what courses I took in Biology I always exceeded expectations. I was recommended an Honor student by my last Biology professor. I took courses up to Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoy learning about the processes that take place in our bodies as well as in our surroundings. I don't have good memory and for that reason I invent fun and unique ways to keep information where it belongs.

Biology Advance Tutoring

I have a passion for Biology, no matter what courses I took in Biology I always exceeded expectations. I was recommended an Honor student by my last Biology professor. I took courses up to Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoy learning about the processes that take place in our bodies as well as in our surroundings. I don't have good memory and for that reason I invent fun and unique ways to keep information where it belongs.

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