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Joseph L.
Experienced Synthetic Electrochemist 
Arizona State University
Elementary School
Music Lessons

Fun Facts

I am an avid homebrewer with an immense passion for the underlying chemistry and biochemistry that dictates the requirements to produce a delightfully refreshing beer. The knowledge one can gain from the chemistry and biochemistry involved in the processes making beer is tremendous. I thoroughly enjoying applying my knowledge of chemical reactions and microbial metabolism to making a delicious pint that I can share with my friends and family.

About Me

I am a graduate student at Arizona State University in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department. I work on synthesizing homogenous molecular catalysts for hydrogen production based on lessons we have learned from nature to hopefully produce a more efficient process of creating industrial scale hydrogen energy. I am also a current fellow of the IGERT-SUN program that is funded by the National Science Foundation with the goal of creating interdisciplinary approaches to implementing solar energy.


As a graduate student working in a research laboratory I have a daily responsibility/joy of mentoring undergraduate students conducting research in our laboratory. In addition to teaching applied synthetic techniques I also have aided in theory. In 2013 I was awarded with a distinguished teaching award while working as a teaching assistant for a bio-physical chemistry course. I thoroughly enjoy watching my students grow and begin to compile and integrate all the new knowledge they are taking in.


I learn best by completing hands-on activities with direct coaching, that being said, I understand various students will require a different style of teaching and to me, figuring this out is a very fun part of teaching. My main goal as a tempe">tutor/mentor is to lead the student towards the answer without actually giving them the answer. One of the most rewarding aspects of mentoring a student is having the ability to see when a concept clicks in their minds and their faces light up with excitement.

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Arizona State University


Arizona State University


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Algebra Tutoring

Unfortunately, we always need algebra, and we can never escape the reorganization of mathematical equations. Fortunately, this has led me to be very comfortable with algebra. From simple to complex, I can rearrange a mathematics properly.

AP Chemistry Tutoring

I am currently a synthetic chemist working with both inorganic and organic chemistry reactions. I have a strong background in spectroscopy. Separation and purification is a weekly aspect of my current job.

Biology Tutoring

I am currently working on a PhD in biochemistry. I have a strong background in molecular biology and general biology.

Biology AP Tutoring

I am currently working on a PhD in biochemistry. I have extensive practice relating towards the introduction of genetic manipulations and the processes involved in characterizing the effects the genetic manipulations may impose.

Chemistry Tutoring

I currently work on synthesizing new molecular catalyst for hydrogen production. I can make any compound required of me as well as purify and separate said compound. Reaction mechanism are fun for me and I enjoy the challenge of deciphering the required steps for a chemical reaction to proceed.

Physics Tutoring

To obtain a B.S. in biochemistry physics I and II are required. As well as physical chemistry and bio-physical chemistry. I assisted teaching a bio-physical chemistry course during my PhD and was awarded for my efforts.

Science Tutoring

Strong background in general science. I love science. All parts of science. Chemistry, physics, math, biology, everything gets me excited to teach and learn.

Algebra Tutoring

I use algebra on a daily basis.

Math Tutoring

I was always good at math and was always very helpful to my fellow students in my math classes. I guess this is where I became accustomed to helping others intellectually.

Biology I Tutoring

I have a very extensive background in biology from cellular metabolism and respiration to the complex entanglement of eco-systems and interspecies dependencies. I am very comfortable with molecular biology and genetic manipulation, both theory and applied. I am more focused on microbes than eukaryotic organisms, but am very comfortable with both.

Chemistry I Tutoring

I am a synthetic chemist. I can make any organic or inorganic compound that would be asked of me. I love chemical mechanisms. During organic chemistry, I solved NMR structures for fun.

Guitar Tutoring

I have played guitar for almost 15+ years. My style has grown over the years. I am very interested in the theory of music.

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