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Fun Facts

I love to act! I have participated in various high school performances/productions, and even wrote a play consisting of monologues I created. I also enjoy singing. I've been involved in choral groups since elementary school and traveled in high school competing in the Heritage festival in washington/vancouver">Vancouver Canada, for 3 years.

About Me

I am a Freshman Psychology major at Pacific Lutheran University. However, I am currently pursuing classes geared towards Psychology and Nursing as I am an aspiring Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I will be required to commit to Nursing after completing required introductory psychology and nursing courses, my first semester of my Freshman year.


While attending a private school integrated with students of varying grade levels, there was always an opportunity for me to offer assistance to students who were struggling with class work. This included students in the same grade as me, or students younger than me. In my senior year I devoted every monday afternoon to reading to a first grade student. I believe this provided her with not only an eventful monday afternoon but also allowed her to develop a love for reading!


I have a genuine love for education and children. I am always eager to volunteer for opportunities that allow me to help young students reach their full potential, whether it be academically, socially, etc. I believe that the right to an education is one of the greater luxuries of being an American Citizen, and that it is our job as citizens to encourage ourselves and others to take full advantage of this luxury.

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Pacific Lutheran University


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English Tutoring

I took English all four years of high school, wherein those four years I never received anything less than a B. In my junior and senior years of high school I took High Level English through the international Baccalaureate Program (IB).

History Tutoring

I took History all four years of high school. I took Global studies my freshman year of high school, History of the Americas my sophomore year, and High Level 20th Century history through the International Baccalaureate program (IB) my junior and senior years of high school.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I attended Annie Wright all four years of high school. My work load was always very heavy, and I was able to manage this while playing soccer, serving on ASB, etc. In addition, I had two after school jobs my junior and senior years, so I am very capable of helping coach a student struggling with homework, whether it be deadlines, content, etc.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I took English all four years of high school, wherein those four years I never received anything less than a B. In my junior and senior years of high school I took High Level English through the international Baccalaureate Program (IB). This high lever IB course required of each student a grand ability to comprehend texts and articulate an argument by means of creating thesis, essays or other personal statements.

Writing Tutoring

I took English all four years of high school, wherein those four years I never received anything less than a B. In my junior and senior years of high school I took High Level English through the international Baccalaureate Program (IB). All four years of high school English at Annie Write were very writing heavy.

Math Tutoring

As a college student I feel that I am more than capable of tutoring a student in Middle School level Math. I attended a private high school with very rigorous and challenging coursework. I ended my high school career with a B in pre-calculus.

Middle School Math Tutoring

As a college student I feel that I am more than capable of tutoring a student in Middle School level Math. I attended a private high school with very rigorous and challenging coursework. I ended my high school career with a B in pre-calculus.

Spanish Tutoring

I took Spanish all four years of high school. I traveled to Ecuador for ten days where I spoke spanish constantly. I ended my high school career never receiving anything less than a B in Spanish.

Elementary Math Tutoring

As a college student I feel that I am more than capable of tutoring a student in Elementary level Math. I attended a private high school with very rigorous and challenging coursework. I ended my high school career with a B in pre-calculus.

Science Tutoring

As a college student I feel that I am more than capable of tutoring a student in Elementary level Science. I took science all four years of high school. In my Junior and Senior years of high school I took High Level Biology through the International Baccalaureate Program (IB).

Social Studies Tutoring

As a college student I feel that I am more than capable of tutoring a student in Elementary level Social Studies. I took Global studies my freshman year of high school, History of the Americas my sophomore year, and High Level 20th Century history through the International Baccalaureate program (IB) my junior and senior years of high school.

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