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Fun Facts

I enjoy camping, archery, reading and working out.

Movie - Star Wars IV: The Empire Strikes Back
Book - A Song of Ice and Fire
Comfort Food - Cheese Enchiladas
Sport - Football

Interesting Trips:
I spent a month in India while I was in middle school.
I spent a week in Death Valley, CA (the hottest place on earth) last spring.

About Me

I absolutely LOVE science. I am passionate about Biology, though I maintain a strong interest in all natural sciences. Exploring the natural world and understanding the amazing mechanisms that allow us to live and thrive is one of the greatest adventures we can undertake as human beings. I am currently pursing a B.S. in Biology at San Jose State University as a stepping-stone into the medical field. There are very few places where scientific inquiry and everyday human life overlap more strongly than in medicine. I'm currently exploring the possibilities of attending medical school or becoming certified as a clinical laboratory scientist.

While in high school I was an active participant in my school's JROTC program and eventually became a platoon commander and later the commanding officer of my unit. During this time I was responsible for leading 140+ cadets though marching exercises, physical training, and some classroom instruction. I spent a lot of time bringing new cadets up to speed and mentoring new leaders. From my time in JROTC I took with me a strong sense of professionalism and integrity, and a lasting desire to strengthen those around me.

After graduating I went on to work for a community center and eventually found myself in a leadership role in their summer camp program for several years in a row. These were some of the best summers of my life, and from them I took a lasting connection with young people and a strong drive to help them grow into amazing, well-rounded human beings.
As I continued pursuing my college degree I took an opportunity to work for my major's department office. I graded assignments for an undergraduate professor and answered any questions her students had about the course. I also worked as an assistant to the department chair, advising students about their coursework and helping them navigate through their college experience. From my time spent in college I have learned what makes an effective student, what teachers ho

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