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Fun Facts

My passion is in violin. I love to pickup my violin whenever I get free time and just keep playing. If not that, I prefer just sitting beside my window with a book in my hands and read till I am hungry or get some other work :P

About Me

I am a grad student at NC State, doing masters in Computer Engineering with a major in wireless communication. I aim to implement my knowledge of the engineering concepts in the real world and make this world a more technically advanced place to live.


I have volunteered in a similar program by a non-profit organization in my undergrad, where we mentor the high-school students and prepare them for their exams.


As a raleigh">tutor I would want the students to understand the fundamentals clearly and get the practical implementation rather than just the theory. I would also not restrict my teaching to the courses but also bring topics like current affairs, astronomy and recent technical advancements along with few science experiments.

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Electronics and Communication Engineering

North Carolina State University

Computer Engineering

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Calculus I Tutoring

I can tutor high school students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Calculus 3 Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Chemistry I Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

College Algebra Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Electrical Engineering Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics. And moreover I am a electrical engineer myself.

Math Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics. Most important I love maths!

Math Advance Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Organic Chemistry I Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Organic Chemistry II Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Physics I Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Trigonometry Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Algebra Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Algebra II Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Calculus Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Calculus AP Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Geometry Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Physics Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

SAT Math Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Science Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Statistics Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Study Skills Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I can tutor college students as I am a current grad student and I clearly know its importance and how to be clear on the basics.

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