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Fun Facts

A fun fact about me is that I love to sing! I'm spending this year singing and traveling the world with the Yale Whiffenpoofs, the world's oldest collegiate singing group. I'm going to be traveling all around the United States and to 25-30 different countries! It's a great complement to my academic studies at Yale.

About Me

I am a senior economics major at Yale University. I'm passionate about how data informs our lives and the powers of our unconscious mind. I've worked three internships in management consulting, and after school, I'd like to work in management/business, or continue onto graduate school.


I've been teaching and connecticut/new-haven">tutoring for over six years now! In connecticut/new-haven">New Haven, I teach a math-middle-school/connecticut/new-haven">middle school math course every week and coach the math team (1st place regional champions!). I've also tutored over 25 people for SAT/ACT/AP standardized tests and served as an university/admissions consultant for over 20 students. I particularly love helping connecticut/new-haven">tutor math, science, and social studies to help students get an edge up on their courses!


My connecticut/new-haven">tutoring style and approach is to break every problem down into its components, understanding each and every foundational cornerstone so they can build up and agglomerate into complex problems to solve. I also help students get behind the psychology of the problem - to help fully comprehend the tricks and pitfalls of every concept. I've learned that if students can understand what NOT to do, they're much better equipped with confidence towards the right method and approach.

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Yale University


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Business Tutoring

3.75 GPA in the Yale Economics department
Courses at the Yale School of Management
Business internships at Novantas (PPNR CCAR modeling, financial consulting), Ernst & Young (Human Capital Transactions Advisory), Notch Partners (Private Equity consulting)

Calculus I Tutoring

5 in AP Calculus BC
Experience taking three semesters of university calculus

Calculus 2 Tutoring

5 in AP Calculus BC
Experience taking three semesters of university calculus

Chemistry I Tutoring

5 in AP Chemistry
Experience taking two semesters of university general chemistry

Chemistry II Tutoring

5 in AP Chemistry
Experience taking two semesters of university general chemistry

College Algebra Tutoring

5 in AP Calculus
Experience taking three semesters of university calculus
Proficiency and extensive experience tutoring math of all levels: algebra, geometry, precalculus, calculus

Economics Tutoring

3.75 GPA in the Yale Economics Department
5 in AP Economics (both exams)
Extensive experience tutoring economics

Elementary Statistics Tutoring

Econometrics & Data Analysis (statistics) experience at Yale University

Internship doing econometric and statistical modeling
Experience tutoring introductory and AP Statistics

Macro Economics Tutoring

3.75 at Yale Economics Department
Extensive experience tutoring economics
Internships analyzing the US macroeconomy
5 in AP Macroeconomics, "A" in Yale introductory & advanced macroeconomics (using algebra, calculus, linear algebra)

Micro-Economics Tutoring

3.75 at Yale Economics Department
Extensive experience tutoring economics
Internships analyzing the US macroeconomy
5 in AP Microeconomics, "A" in Yale introductory & intermediate microeconomics (using algebra, calculus)

Music Theory Tutoring

5 in AP Music Theory
Extensive experience tutoring music theory
Classes taking intermediate music theory at renowned Yale Music Department

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring precalculus and calculus
3 semesters of college calculus at Yale University

Psychology Tutoring

5 in AP Psychology
Experience tutoring psychology
Course experience in university psychology and cognitive science
Avocation for learning about human mind, cognitive heuristics, decision making

Spanish I Tutoring

5 in AP Spanish Language
Experience taking highest-level Spanish grammar course at Yale University

Spanish II Tutoring

5 in AP Spanish Language
Experience taking highest-level Spanish grammar course at Yale University

Algebra Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

Algebra II Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

AP Chemistry Tutoring

5 on AP Chemistry

AP History Tutoring

5 on AP American History

AP Physics Tutoring

5 on AP Physics B

AP Statistics Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department and statistics/econometrics in the economics department (3.75 GPA, Economics major)
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

Biology Tutoring

5 in AP Biology

Biology AP Tutoring

5 on AP Biology

Calculus Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring calculus
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

Calculus AP Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

Chemistry Tutoring

5 on AP Chemistry
Extensive experience tutoring chemistry

Geometry Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

Government Tutoring

5 on AP US Government

History Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring history

Homework Coach Tutoring

Extensive experience coaching homework

Math Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

Physics Tutoring

5 on AP Physics B

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

SAT Math Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2, 800 in SAT Math

SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring

2340 SAT composite: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

Statistics Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring statistics

Study Skills Tutoring

Extensive experience helping high school students with study skills

Trigonometry Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring all levels of mathematics
Currently teach middle school math in New Haven CT
Three semesters of mathematics at Yale University in renowned math department
Score of 5 in AP Calculus BC, 800 in SAT II Math 2

English Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring middle school English and helping with essay writing, grammar, brainstorming, proofreading, literary analysis, etc.

ISEE Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring for the ISEE
2340 SAT composite: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

Middle School Math Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring middle school math
Current Economics major at Yale University

Science Tutoring

Extensive experience tutoring middle school science: chemistry, physics, biology
Current senior at Yale University

Spanish Tutoring

Completed Spanish through AP (Score of 5)
Course experience in highest-level Spanish grammar at Yale University

ACT English Tutoring

Experience tutoring the ACT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

ACT Math Tutoring

Experience tutoring the ACT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

ACT Reading Tutoring

Experience tutoring the ACT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

ACT Science Tutoring

Experience tutoring the ACT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

ISEE Tutoring

Experience tutoring the ISEE/SSAT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

PARCC Tutoring

Experience tutoring for PARCC - NJ
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

PSAT Tutoring

Experience tutoring the PSAT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR
PSAT: 211

SSAT Tutoring

Experience tutoring the ISEE/SSAT
SAT scores: 800 M, 780 WR, 760 CR

Ear Training Tutoring

Music courses in ear training and musicianship with the Yale Music Department
8+ years of choral, a cappella singing & musicianship

Music Theory Tutoring

5 in AP Music Theory
Music courses in music theory, ear training and musicianship with the Yale Music Department
8+ years of choral, a cappella singing & musicianship

Voice (Music) Tutoring

Music courses in ear training and musicianship with the Yale Music Department
8+ years of choral, a cappella singing & musicianship

Participation in the Yale Whiffenpoofs, Spizzwinks, and Glee Club - world renowned vocal ensembles

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