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Peter G.
English and Writing Tutor 
Stony Brook University, Suffolk

Fun Facts

I like Bugs Bunny, Bob Dylan, Woody Allan, Edgar Allan Poe and Ted Cruz.

I am classically trained in the guitar.

I'm writing a novella.

About Me

I am an English major in my final semester at Stony Brook University. I started a semester behind, and I will be graduating a semester early. I will be receiving a BA in English this December. I have been on the Dean's List every semester, and I have a 3.77 GPA.

I have a broad range of literary interests and influences from Homer to Hemingway.

My focus is 19th century American literature, specifically dark Romanticism.


I tutored in middle school for National Junior Honor Society.

I have a younger brother.

I regularly review my friends', and colleagues' papers.

I work in the university library where I won the Thomas Jefferson Scholarship for my work ethic, and ability to communicate.


English was notoriously my worst subject in school. Through hard work and discipline I was able to earn A's in all of my classes excluding English - I always received an 88. I did not know what the teachers expected, or how to improve. I was getting an A in French and a B in English.

Only in my senior year did I begin to understand and appreciate English thanks to Mr. Klein. I understand struggling with English, and that one good teacher can change everything.

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Stony Brook University, Suffolk


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Literature Tutoring

I have a 3.88 major GPA. Once you understand textual analysis you can apply the same basic skills to any piece of literature: I can teach you these skills.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

This was my worst subject in school. Now I digest multiple novels every week, and this is by the easiest section on the LSATs for me.

Writing Tutoring

I believe writing is the strongest art, and the most difficult to learn. I became an English major with this intention: to learn to write. After entering Stony Brook, however, I soon discovered that college was not actually going to teach me this skill, and that I would have to take the task upon myself. The best way to learn to write is to read, so I read - everything from fiction to scholarly articles.

I can teach you the skills I've learned: how to be clear, concise, and articulate. It's sad to say, but most of my friends, and colleagues who have graduated, or are graduating, still do not know how to write a simple thesis. I know because I am the one they ask to review their papers.

I have never received less than a B- on a written assignment.

AP English Tutoring

I took AP English in 12th grade. This is the course where I decided to pursue English as my major.

I know one teacher can make all of the difference, even this late in a student's academic career.

See college qualification credentials for more info.

English Tutoring

See college qualification credentials.

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