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Fun Facts

The great outdoors fascinate me! I love to hike and discover new places, whether abroad or in my own neighborhood. I enjoy cooking, dancing, and drawing. I am on a Bollywood Dance team at my university.

About Me

I am originally from San Diego, California and moved to New Orleans for college. Currently I am a freshman at Tulane University in the Masters of Architecture program. When I graduate I hope to get my architecture license and intern at a firm back in California.


In High School, I was a member of the National Honors Society, where I had the opportunity to tutor elementary school students once a week and assisting them in time management. Furthermore, I have worked with elementary school refugee students, and assisted in teaching an art lesson. Last summer, I was a camp counselor for the YMCA working with children ages 4-6, and two years previous I worked with children with disabilities at a summer camp as well.


Every child is unique in their way of understanding classroom material, depending on the type of learner they are. I will always offer positive remarks and encouragement. Instead of just providing answers, I will assist them to understand the process of how to obtain those answers so they feel confident in the material.

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Tulane University


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Algebra Tutoring

I can tutor algebra for the following reasons:
I took algebra 1 and algebra 2 honors in the past, getting an A in both classes. Furthermore my degree in Architecture requires me to be up to college calculus level in math, which currently I am.

Arts Tutoring

I can tutor in art, for I have taken a 3D design class working with both clay and other materials like cardboard and wire, Basic Drawing and Painting which allowed me to work with charcoal, graphite, paints, and oil pastels. In addition I have taken a Foundations to Art course that has given me the opportunity to work with some film editing software. As an architecture student, I build models out of chipboard and basswood, as well as sketch plans and sections by hand.

French Tutoring

I am qualified to tutor French for the following:
I took 3 years of high school French, passing the class with an A, as well as currently taking French in college. My degree requires of me to have only one year of a language, but since I enjoy French I have decided to continue on with it.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I am qualified to be a homework coach because I can get individuals motivated, as well as organized and assist with studying skills.

Study Skills Tutoring

As a study skill tutor I will help the student with studying for subjects by exploring different study options to prepare the student for tests such as making flashcards, having "a backwards classroom" where they share what they know with me, and going over study guides. I will assist in managing time wisely, and creating memory tricks.

Writing Tutoring

I can tutor in writing since I have recently taken a college writing class and received an A. I can assist in helping a student form a clear thesis statement, helping them make relatable claims connecting to the thesis statement, making the argument clear throughout the paper, and helping them with proofreading and clarity.

Math Tutoring

I am qualified to teach math for I have taken up to college level Calculus. From Pre-Algebra to Calculus I have received an A in the courses, and can assist the student with homework, understanding the material, and preparing for tests. As an Architecture student, it is required that we take up to Calculus.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Why am I qualified? I am currently taking Calculus in College, and as an Architecture student taking math, I have experience with numbers, shapes, and variables. I have taken honors math courses since 5th grade. From Pre-Algebra to Calculus I can assist the student with homework, preparing for future lessons, and feeling confident for tests.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Currently taking Calculus in College, and as an Architecture student taking math, I have experience with numbers, shapes, and variables. I have taken honors math courses since 5th grade. From Pre-Algebra to Calculus I can assist the student with homework, preparing for future lessons, and feeling confident for tests.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I am qualified to tutor in reading comprehension since I love reading, and have scored high on those sections in all school testing as well as ACT. I will ask questions relating to the main idea of the reading, and review key details and characters. I will try to make reading seem less of a task!

Elementary Math Tutoring

I am currently taking Calculus in College, and as an Architecture student taking math, I have experience with numbers, shapes, and variables. I have taken honors math courses since 5th grade. From Pre-Algebra to Calculus I can assist the student with homework, preparing for future lessons, and feeling confident for tests. From fractions, to addition and multiplication, I can help the student feel more confident in math and prepared for the upcoming lessons.

Science Tutoring

I can tutor elementary science because I have taken Biology, Physics, and Chemistry in High School receiving A's in the courses. Currently I am taking a Physics for Architects course at Tulane University this semester as well. From Biology to Physics to Earth Science, I will review the lessons with the student and find fun activities that will relate to what they are learning so they can connect it to the real world.

English Tutoring

I am qualified to tutor English since I have taken either honors, AP, or Advanced English all four years of high school, keeping an A the whole time:
English 1 Honors
English 2 Honors
AP Language and Composition (Junior Year)
Advanced British Literature (Senior Year)
I have also taken a college English course this past semester also receiving an A in the course.

Religion Tutoring

I can tutor in Religion for the following reasons:
I went to a Catholic School for 12 years, taking a religion course each year, obtaining an A through all those years. I have a strong background in Roman Catholic teaching and the Bible, but I also took classes in Morality and Ecumenism.

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