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Fun Facts

I love to dance! Anywhere with music works for me! I enjoy helping others discover what they are passionate about and exploring new skills. I studied in Australia and Indonesia for six months and taught English there. I have pole vaulted for five years, and am the oldest of six children: five girls and one boy. I took four years of Latin and enjoy learning foreign languages. My favorite free-time activities include playing soccer and hiking. I've climbed Mt. Saint Helens, and Rainier is next!

About Me

I am a Junior at Pacific Lutheran University, studying English, Biology, and Classics, and plan to continue on for a Masters in Education. After my Masters, I would love to spend time teaching in either Middle or High School and coach a dance or soccer team. I also plan to teach overseas again for a time, educating teachers in countries where schooling may be hard to come by. My goal is to inspire others to learn and provide educational opportunities in areas where quality learning is scarce.


During my senior year of High School, my Latin teacher asked if I would be willing to tutor some of his younger students. I absolutely loved watching them grow in their understanding of the material. I have also had the wonderful opportunity to work with an after school elementary program that provides homework help and English Language Learning for both children and parents. Helping these kids gain confidence in their abilities has been challenging, but absolutely worth seeing them succeed.


Learning can be fun! And it should be. But the challenges of learning can be a roadblock to students who do not yet realize their full potential. As a tutor, I aim to help kids discover the joy of learning, as well as provide helpful study methods and strategies that can be useful at any level of study. Students also need real encouragement and a purpose when studying, and I intend to instill this sort of positive self attitude in kids on their academic journey.

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Pacific Lutheran University

Classical Studies

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Arts Tutoring

I have taken many performing arts classes including drama and dance at the college level. In addition to these classes, which focus on creativity, memorization, and presentation, I have taken two European Civilization courses with focuses in art history. I have also taken basic painting and drawing classes on perspective and color.

German Tutoring

I have taken a year of German at the college level which involved multiple writing and presentation projects. The culture is fun and the grammar very similar to Latin. Although, textbook work may pass a little easier, practice speaking another language is the best way to master it.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have had a year of experience specifically guiding students in their homework. I have taken a college course in multidimensional education as well as two psychology courses where we discussed different learning habits and abilities. Encouragement, guidance, and strategy are key components in successful study.

Piano Tutoring

I have taken eight years of classical piano lessons as well as a college level class. I have played piano in a band since ending these lessons, and had the privilege of training younger students about working together in a band environment. I am currently teaching one student and love seeing the leaps she has made!

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