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Yuxuan Z.
Computer Science Tutor 
University of Missouri

Fun Facts

I'm interested in electrical and computer programming. I'd like to become a talent software engineer in the future.

About Me

I've done many algorithm programs, and done many projects as well.
I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular com


As a member of Mizzou TA, I assistant my professor with his homework and translate into his swift courses


As a child, I struggled in school and found learning to be difficult and demoralizing. In middle school, I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who, through positive encouragement and persistence, helped me realize my true potential. As a tutor, I attempt to bring this attitude to all of my sessions. Instead of giving students answers, I feel it is my responsibility to not only teach them the content, but study skills that will help them be successful in all classes!

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University of Missouri


University of Missouri


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C++ Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

Computer Engineering Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

Computer Programming Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

Computer Science Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

HTML Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

Java Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

Javascript Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

SQL Tutoring

I used C(5 years), C++ (1 year), JavaScript (6 months), Java (3 months), and etc. I'd like to use c++ or Java for algorithm problems.
8 -12 months preparations in leetcode/lintcode problems.
Last year, I've already interview with google / microsoft / amazon / att / Intel , now want to try again for some popular companies

Cover Letter :

He is really good and passion in programming and Engineering field, has deep understandings of his work and a fast learner as well.
Graduated from the top 1 in IT area in UESTC and Mizzou with an average A- GPA, he is excellent with his school work.
In just one year , he has learned serval programming languages and used them to make web applications , mobile applications successfully.
He is not only fantastic with his academic study, but also a strong leader for 10 years since the primary school, as a class chairman or school chairman. He is often the team leader for his team projects as well.
In general, he has great protential and enthusiastic in computer programming, and want always to learn more.

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