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Mariana P.
Grammar an conversational Spanish Tutor  
Middle School
Language Lessons

Fun Facts

One thing that can describe me very well is that I have a passion for history. Every time I travel somewhere (even if is not too far away from home) I love to learn about that place history. I really like to learn about what makes a place special, when it was founded and by who and what are the interesting facts about the place and its people. History is definitely special for me, every time and in my spare time you can find me exploring a new town or watching history documentaries

About Me

I´m a graduate student recently graduated from my masters of Arts in Spanish at The University of Texas at San Antonio. My specialization is linguistics but I also have knowledge in Hispanic literature and due to that I consider myself and avid reader. I also have a certificate in Translation and Interpretation studies and I had worked as a freelance translator on varied fields. My main goal would be to work as a freelance Translator and Interpreter and even start my own company someday.


Even though I haven´t give classes in a regular basis, I have worked as a teacher assistant and I have worked close with Spanish teachers and professors in advanced levels. That experience has given me the chance to understand no only the process and the content of language teaching but also the students needs.


As a language student myself, I know how difficult learning a second language ( or even a third one)can be. But I also know how rewarding is that with patient and commitment , you can see good results in a little time. I learn English at college but I also did work on my own and with that I realize that you can develop your own learning style and improve faster that juts going to class and do homework. My idea as a tutor would be to look for an approach that really helps the student to learn.

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University of Texas at San Antonio


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Conversational Spanish Tutoring

History of Spanish Language B
Studies in Hispanic Literature A-
Spanish Civilization A
Spanish Morphology and Syntax A-
Theory and Practice in Translation A
LA Literature creative prose A-

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