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Fun Facts

One thing that i love to do at anytime is to dance! You will see me dancing at least once every hour. I am the 2nd oldest out of 5, and i am from Willingboro, New Jersey.

About Me

I am a senior Architectural Engineer major at North Carolina A&T University. I have been on the Dean's List for 2 years in a row. When i graduate i plan on going to Drexel University for my Master's.


I am a member of the Architectural Engineer Honor society, and we have a mentoring program where we mentor the underclassmen. We also help mentoring high school students in the Greensboro area. I hope that


When i was younger,I struggled in every class except math. I needed extra help in subject and was in slower paced classes in all my grades. It was not until my first year in college where my friend motivated me to do better and to apply my time to what matters. Since then i took time out to study my material and i started getting better grades then majority of my classmates,and even was put on Dean's List.

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North Carolina A&T State University

Architectural Engineering

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Calculus I Tutoring

I took Calculus 1,2, and 3 and received an A in both Calculus 1 and 2, with a B+ in Calculus 3. I am strong in my knowledge in Calculus and been teaching my friends that subject.

College Algebra Tutoring

I took College Pre-Algebra and Alegebra. I past both with an A and knew material most of my classmates couldn't understand. I always help my classmate with different subjects in algebra.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I took Calculus 1,2, and 3 and received an A in both Calculus 1 and 2, with a B+ in Calculus 3. I am strong in my knowledge in Calculus and been teaching my friends that subject. I took Pre- Calculus in high school as well in college and received an A.

Algebra Tutoring

I took College Pre-Algebra and Alegebra. I past both with an A and knew material most of my classmates couldn't understand. I always help my classmate with different subjects in algebra.

Algebra II Tutoring

I took College Pre-Algebra and Alegebra. I past both with an A and knew material most of my classmates couldn't understand. I always help my classmate with different subjects in algebra.

Calculus Tutoring

I took Calculus 1,2, and 3 and received an A in both Calculus 1 and 2, with a B+ in Calculus 3. I am strong in my knowledge in Calculus and been teaching my friends that subject.

Calculus AP Tutoring

I took Calculus 1,2, and 3 and received an A in both Calculus 1 and 2, with a B+ in Calculus 3. I am strong in my knowledge in Calculus and been teaching my friends that subject.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I took Calculus 1,2, and 3 and received an A in both Calculus 1 and 2, with a B+ in Calculus 3. I am strong in my knowledge in Calculus and been teaching my friends that subject.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I took all college math subjects. I am well rounded in different types of maths. I also help my sibling with there math subjects.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I took all college math subjects. I am well rounded in different types of maths. I also help my sibling with there math subjects.

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