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Fun Facts

I am a true lover of outdoor adventures. This last summer I went hiking one average two sometimes three times a week, and went camping every other weekend. I love exploring the great PNW and finding all the beautiful treasures this place has to offer.

About Me

I am a senior, majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology. I've been attending PLU and I will be graduating a semester early this December. After graduation, we will see how things fall together, but my goal is to get into graduate school and to become a school counselor.


I've been working as an AVID tutor for the past couple of school years, so I can say that I am pretty familiar with the ups and downs of tutoring. I've tutored many different ages, and lots of different subjects, so I'm very quick on my feet and able to switch gears when necessary. I love the challenge of tutoring and the ability to help kids that are struggling and helping them be able to succeed.


Growing up I would always help my little brother with homework, which was a struggle sometimes because he has ADHD, but that experience gave me a lot of knowledge to help me work with kids who really do need assistance. I believe that it's great to individually work with kids and find ways to utilize their strengths and help them over come their weaknesses. Building a trusting bond with a student is the first priority of tutoring and afterwards we work on building success!

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Pacific Lutheran University


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Psychology Tutoring

Majoring in psychology, so the majority of my classes have been in the realm of social sciences. Some of my favorite classes have been Learning psychology, Adolescents, Social Psychology, and Personality Theories. In most of my psychology classes I've managed to maintain a B average in all of my classes with a couple of A's.

Sociology Tutoring

I'm a Sociology minor, so I have also taken lots of classes related to sociology and society. Some of my favorite classes have been in sociology department and they have always given me a lot of enjoyment to learn about how we live within a social structure. The classes that have been most enjoyed was a class about The Family, Crime in society, Deviance, and case study of the Tacoma schools.

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