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Sheyla F.
High Spirited English & Math Tutor 
New Jersey City University

Fun Facts

I love helping people, I am highly involved in community service things at school. I also love music, and poetry. In my spare time I enjoy cooking and hanging out with my friends.

About Me

I am a freshman Secondary English Education major at New Jersey City University. I plan on getting my masters in Primary Education for Math. I am freshman class president, and am highly involved on my campus.


Upon entering college I was involved in a summer intensive program, where I began tutoring a lot of students in the program in English, and Math. I enjoyed it very much and would like to help students again who need it. Working for Frog Tutoring will allow me the opportunity to practice my teaching skills, and how to teach in different styles.


In high school, I struggled a lot in my classes. I had trouble understanding my professors, fortunately, my geometry teacher sophomore year really helped me to understand and through that I was able to find my passion for teaching. As a tutor I try to get a feel for how the student learns best and use that to harbor academic success out of them.

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New Jersey City University

Secondary Education/ English

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Algebra Tutoring

I received a letter grade of A+, I LOVE algebra, and would love to tutor anyone on this subject.

Algebra II Tutoring

I received a letter grade of A+, I loved Algebra II, it was a lot of fun. I would LOVE to tutor anyone on this subject.

English Tutoring

Throughout high school I never got anything lower than a B+ in English. I am a really good writer, so I can assist with any essays. Also I enjoy reading, and analysis, so I can assist in that area as well.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I took Pre-Algebra my 8th grade year, I am highly skilled, and can assist anyone in this subject.

Spanish I Tutoring

My second language is Spanish, but it is my primary language at home. I love the language, and can assist anyone who would like to learn the language.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Throughout Middle school I always received high grades in math. I have continually practiced it through the years, so I can assist anyone who needs help in his area.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I always received high grades throughout middle school in reading comprehension. I am currently an English major, so this is my preferred area to tutor.

Writing Tutoring

I always received high grades throughout middle school in writing. I am currently an English major, so this is my preferred area to tutor.

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