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Fun Facts

I like to walk and hike in the woods. Walking clears my mind and helps me to focus on the task at hand. Being in nature reminds me to appreciate beauty. I also enjoy literature, art, music and science.-I’ve always beleived the humanities are human expressions of the best versions of themselves.

About Me

I am a former attorney, nurse and guardian. I have degrees in law, business, nursing, science and taxation. I was on the Dean and President’s Honor List in college and have received nursing, law and taxation scholarships. My formal title is RN, BSN ,MBA, JD, LLM Taxation.


I taught nursing students in a private college and mentored law students and lawyers staring thier practice. I like to teach and I try to be the instructor I would have liked having, for my students. I owned and operated a law practice and nursing testing company and I was an honor society member in nursing school and a law and taxation scholar.


I regularly set goals with my students and periodically reevaluate making sure that I am meeting thier changing needs. I also soliticate regular feedback to ensure that my teaching style is properly tailored to meet their individual needs. Since leaning should be fun, I do my best to ensure that my students are enjoying our sessions and time togeather by utilizing a variety of learning approaches and styles.

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California State University Long Beach


University of San Francisco



Golden Gate University

LLM Taxation

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Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring

I have taken several A&P courses in my AS and BSN Programs for nursing. I have also taken Microbiology, Pharmacology, Organic Chemistry, Public Health and Epidemiology.

Anatomy Physiology II Tutoring

A graduate of the BSN Program at California State University at Long Beach I complete courses in A&P, Microbology, Organic Chemistry, Pharmacology, Public Health and Pathophysiology

English Tutoring

TEFL trained in 160 hours course and completed undergraduate college English grammar courses. I enjoy English literature for personal growth and I write professionally and for personal enjoyment as a blogger.

ESL Tutoring

I have a 160 hour TEFL training Certificate and review English grammar and teaching techniques for personal growth

GED Tutoring

Obtained GED certificate after successfully completing the exam though self taught study.

Nursing Tutoring

RN, PHN, BSN for over 27 years. Specialty:Maternal/Child, Maternity, Community Health, Labor and Delivery, Postpartum, Antepartum, Triage, and Newborn/Neonate

Nutrition Tutoring

Completed college courses in nutrition, tested well. Continued personal self study on own as a vegetarian.

Business Tutoring

I have an MBA, emphasis in global management. I took courses in macro and micro economics, finance, accounting- managerial and cost accounting and business math. I complete the course work while in a joint JD/ MBA program at the University of San Francisco.

Government Tutoring

I am a former lawyer and currrent member of a Bar Association. I have completed law school and legal procedure courses. I did well in high school civics.

Biology Tutoring

Taken Courses in General Biology, tested well. Particular interest in human biology and physiology.

History Tutoring

Completed college courses in US history. Much personal self study in Civiil War and WWII.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Love literature, in Englisha nd other languages. Completed College English Course, tested well, TEFL trained and much self study.

French Tutoring

Tested well on. French Regional Exams in High School. Several years of self study and visited France.

Science Tutoring

As a professional nurse, nurse educator and manager, I have had years of study professional and self study in science, particularly health and human biology and physiology, tested well.

Social Studies Tutoring

Love for history and current regents. Law and business degrees with courses in micro and macro economics, legal US history, the U.N., and global politics.

Writing Tutoring

I have written professionally for years as a lawyer and nurse. Tested well in College English. I also write for enjoyment as a blogger- published, and developed a study tool for another tutoring site.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Study and passed in Washington State while working part-time and completing a fgraduate legal program in taxation.
Scored over 85% Professional Bar member for 17 years.

ESL/ESOL Tutoring

160 hours TEFL trained, hired by a college in China to teach English. Much self study on grammar and teaching methods for different learner groups. Work as a lawyer in immigration law and with persons of immigrant backgrounds

LSAT Tutoring

Competed exam, tested well, obtained admission to law schools with full scholarship to one. Graduated with Joint JD/ MBA degree with summer abroad study at Prague Charles University and in Brazil. Professional Lawyer in legal service and private practice. 17 member of the Bar.

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