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Fun Facts

I'm super into music, movies, and video games. As such, I want to pursue film directing and am currently in a band.

About Me

I am a sophomore at Rowan University double majoring in Film and Philosophy.


I have no professional experience tutoring, but have always been able to help my family and friends when it came to understanding math and writing. I am quick to understand concepts and then being able to express that to others.


I try to break things down one at a time and give examples. The best way for someone to understand something is if they not only are doing it, but are having it expressed in an understandable way. Talking conceptually can be confusing, so showing something more practical is always helpful.

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Rowan University

Radio/Television/Film, Philosophy

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Algebra Tutoring

I passed the class with a complete understanding of the material.

Algebra II Tutoring

I passed the class with a complete understanding of the material.

AP English Tutoring

I passed the class with a complete understanding of the material as well as received a 4 on the AP exam.

History Tutoring

I have always been huge on history and when I'm not already studying it in class, I'm researching it as well as discussing it with friends.

Math Tutoring

I have always been great with math and am quick to understand concepts.

Music Theory Tutoring

I am really into music and compose my own work, as such I have a good foundation and understanding of music theory.

SAT Math Tutoring

I received a 690 on the SAT Math section and a 700 on the math subject test.

SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring

I received a 680 on the reading test and a 640 on the writing test back during the old SAT.

Trigonometry Tutoring

I passed the class with a complete understanding of the material.

Writing Tutoring

I have always done well in my writing classes, and am constantly writing when it comes to work or my own projects.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I have always done well in my writing classes, and am constantly writing when it comes to work or my own projects.

English Tutoring

I have a great understanding of the English language when it comes to spelling, grammar, etc.

Math Advance Tutoring

I have always been great with math and am quick to understand concepts.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have always been great with math and am quick to understand concepts.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have always been great with math and am quick to understand concepts.

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