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Fun Facts

I have a love for math and computers. Calculating and computing program is my passion. However my other passion is art. I love all forms of. Whether its drawn, painted, filmed, animated, or musical. If I'm not near my computer then I'm at another computer watching something while iIdraw.

About Me

I'm a sophomore science/missouri/st.-louis">computer science major at University of Missouri- st. Louis. 2 time deans list student.


Ive tutored many people before primarily in math. Kids ranged anywhere from highschool seniors to elementary students.


My goal when teaching math is to give what many teachers do not: reasoning. I've had my struggles with math during highschool, so i understand that the major issue many students have with math is a lack of reasoning behind the subject. I don't want my students to just memorize random math equations. I want them to understand the is and outs of math. I want them to understand whats going on.

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University of Missouri--St. Louis

BS Computer Science

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Calculus I Tutoring

Received an A grade.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Recieved an A Grade

Algebra Tutoring

A grade

Algebra II Tutoring

A grade

Geometry Tutoring

A grade

Pre Algebra Tutoring

A grade

Middle School Math Tutoring

A grade

Elementary Math Tutoring

A grade

C++ Tutoring

taken 2 college courses on the language

Javascript Tutoring

Coded with javaScritpt for almost 2 years now and I have a lot of experience making my own programs

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