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Shalini T.
Experienced English and Writing Tutor 
Rutgers, the State University of New Jers
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Language Lessons

Fun Facts

When I am not busy with schoolwork, you will most likely find me spending hours on end at my dance studio! Classical Indian dance is my primary non-academic passion; I have been involved in it since the age of 5, and I currently teach and perform on weekends. I also love writing poetry, baking, and playing with my cats in my free time.

About Me

I am a junior English major at Rutgers University pursuing minors in French, Women and Gender Studies, and a Certificate in Creative Writing. I have been on the Dean's List every semester of my college career thus far and I hope to attend the Rutgers Graduate School of Education next year to obtain a Master's in Education. While I would like to start off as a high school English teacher, my ultimate goal is to pursue a PhD and become a professor in either English or Women and Gender Studies.


Throughout high school, I tutored students from my former middle school in various subject areas on a weekly basis. This experience is one of the main factors that inspired me to pursue a career in education. After coming to Rutgers, I served as a mentor for freshmen at Douglass Residential College, and I currently teach students aged 4-10 at my dance studio. I enjoy working with all age groups, as I think every age can benefit from positive role models and one-on-one attention!


Until late high school, I was often too shy to participate and ask questions in class, partly out of fear of being judged. Therefore, while I still managed to do well in school, I never felt as though I reached my full potential as a student, and I never truly enjoyed the learning process. My goal as a brunswick">tutor is to develop a friendly rapport with students so as to create a motivational and safe environment where they come to enjoy and value their education.

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Rutgers, the State University of New Jers


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English Tutoring

As an English major, I have taken ten English classes at the college level and received A's in all of them. I have edited and revised numerous college students' papers for Expository Writing, as well as essays for various other subject areas. I have also published a few articles online for the website "India Abroad."

French I Tutoring

I have studied French for nine years total, including two years at the college level. I am currently minoring in French, and have provided homework help for middle and high school French students. I have completed and received an A in the following college courses: Intermediate French; Intensive Advanced Grammar; Composition and Stylistics; French Theater Workshop.

Writing Tutoring

As an English major, I have taken ten English classes at the college level and received A's in all of them. I have edited and revised numerous college students' papers for Expository Writing, as well as essays for various other subject areas. I have also published a few articles online for the website "India Abroad."

French Tutoring

I have studied French for nine years total, including two years at the college level. I am currently minoring in French, and have provided homework help for middle and high school French students. I have completed and received an A in the following college courses: Intermediate French; Intensive Advanced Grammar; Composition and Stylistics; French Theater Workshop.

Conversational French Tutoring

I have studied French for nine years total, including two years at the college level. I am currently minoring in French, and have provided homework help for middle and high school French students. I have completed and received an A in the following college courses: Intermediate French; Intensive Advanced Grammar; Composition and Stylistics; French Theater Workshop.

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