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An T.
Verified Tutor near San Jose, CA 
San Jose State University

Fun Facts

I find myself lucky to have more than ten cousins whose ages are from preschool to college. Hanging out with them make me feel younger and carefree every single minute. For leisure time, I love to go out with my little cousins or friends for movies or snacks. The next in my priority list is travelling and exploring new places with my buddies.

About Me

I am currently a Chemical Engineering student at San Jose State University. I am glad that I chose a school near my home. That helps me a lot in finance and gives me more time to take care of my mother. When I graduate, I would love to take two more years for Master Degree in Chemical Engineering major. Otherwise, a job with acceptable salary would be my priority.

Back to my college time in De Anza Community College, I had a lot of experiences tutoring students when I worked at Advanced Technology Center apartment. My jobs were managing computers problems and handling any questions from students about basic computer skills. Furthermore, having a lot of cousins from elementary school to college also gives me chances to practice tutoring them with any homework and test questions. That is helpful in reminding myself of previous knowledge as well. At present, I am tutoring my fifth grade cousin named Hillary with her homework and Vietnamese class every night.

When I was a little girl, my mother used to gather a small group of my peer friends and hire science teachers to help us out with school homework. I found that very helpful to have someone to be constantly answered all of my questions. As a tutor, I would love to help my student with all of my knowledge and strengths. With my studying skills and experiences thorough many years from elementary to university, I am confident to be an enthusiastic and helpful tutor who can give my students valuable and practical helps.

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San Jose State University

Chemical Engineering

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Algebra II Tutoring

I took Algebra at High School. I got A for all of my Math tests.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I took Precal 41, 42, 43 at De Anza College and I got A for all of them.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I used to be a homework coach tutor for an elementary student. I went really well. He got his first A's from the first week I started.

Algebra II Tutoring

I took it in middle school and got an A.

Algebra II Tutoring

I took it in elementary school and got an A.

5th Grade Math Tutoring

I took it in elementary and got an A.

8th Grade Math Tutoring

I took it in middle school and got an A.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I took Pre Algebra in High school. I got A for all of the classes.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I am currently a homework coach tutor. I am doing great with my job. My student get better grades on her tests.

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