Reviews Houston, TX
Tannaz was great. She was very patient and made my child really understand subjects that he has struggled with. I love that she made him repeat and go over what they discussed and even set up the expectations for the next session.
Excellent tutor and very patient. She was willing to work with books I already have and thinks I am doing great. Really like the way she is so patient and breaks down concepts to make it easier to learn.
Beth was amazing, knew a lot about what we needed and wanted. We decided that we going to pick her to work with my grand son. Thanks for introducing us to Beth. Darian and Katonya Joiner
Nicklette was very knowledgeable and was prompt. Enjoyed working with her and I would recommend her again.
Michaelangelo has been a great tutor, giving me useful SAT time management tips and particularly helping me further improve my understanding of the math concepts.
Regi has been excellent with our child, so much so that he looks forward to his sessions. Regi is patient and practices the strategies laid out for each subject. We are very pleased with our pairing and looking forward to the improved testing scores.
Even with her busy schedule, she manages to take her time to teach/tutor you. She gives good examples and easy ways to remember steps/rules in accounting.
Alice is the BEST TUTOR EVER!!!! My son really enjoys working with her. She is very patient and she does an excellent job explaining the material! I've already seen an improvement in my son's understanding and his grades!! I would recommend Alice to ANYONE!!
An was very knowledgeable and attentive to my daughter's needs. The session went very smooth and he tried to cover most of the material.
Ashley is prompt for our sessions. She explains things in a way I understand and I an happy to work with her.
Ahmed has been a wonderful tutor and our daughter very much looks forward to her sessions.
Tyler is awesome.
Patrick is extremely knowledgeable and my daughter loves his tutoring style. He is very patient and I can tell he genuinely cares about my daughters success. Patrick is totally awesome!!
Deepika is a very good tutor. She tutored my daughter in middle school math. She was able to teach my daughter the skill necessary for her to pass her math class. Deepika is nice, attentive and willing to go the extra mile.
Amazed with his thorough knowledge on the subject matter. Thank you.
She was really helpful and my grade improved a lot
Mr. Mena was excellent. He immediately built a bond with my daughter and I saw her grow academically through each tutoring session.
Michaelangelo is a great tutor. He is very smart and is good at making sure you comprehend what you need to. At first I was hesitant because your first impression of him will be happy, he's so free-spirited and joyful it makes you mad. "No one is that happy all the time." but he sure knows how to make you happy while working with you. I recommend him to teenagers wanting help to pass their SAT.
Cheyenne has just been wonderful working with my 12 yr old daughter. Her knowledge of the materials is as expected very good, but her ability to relay that info and keep it interesting has been her most valuable asset.
Ke was very friendly and helpful!