Reviews Memphis, TN
Dr. Jide is incredible! He has worked with my daughter for several weeks helping her prepare for the ACT. He is very knowledgeable and explains the math concepts very well. My daughter's confidence has definitely increased. We are appreciative of his kindness and support.
Looking forward to meeting you.
I think Lisa Chaney is a great tutorial but I also think Corwon need a little more practice.
Very organized and thorough. Communicates very well with students and parents.
{not commented yet}She is wonderful, this was like a match made in heaven! She is so patient and a great instructor.
Lawrion Anderson is a great teacher for SPSS! She explained SPSS clearly and navigated through Zoom without any hesitation.
This 'Frog-Tutor' is excellent. He is wonderful at making my shy sixteen year old son want to ask questions. He evaluates my son's strengths and weaknesses in Algebra II, on the material the class is working on, in each session he tutors my son. Once mastered, I love his strategy of preparing my child for what is next in the Algebra II class. I am so glad to have Mr. Teal as my son's tutor. He is an outstanding representative of the 'FROG TUTOR ORGANIZATION'.
Matthew Teal was an awesome tutor as he was very helpful and accommodating to meeting me when and where fit both of our schedules. Unfortunately I withdrew from the course so I only met with him for about two months, but now I am back in the accounting game! I appreciate his tenacity and way of explaining concepts until I fully understood them.
He did really well.
Fesobi has really helped my son with Calculus 11. My son has learned so much from Fesobi. 5 stars all the way!!!!
Fesobi is the best! Because it works!
We would highly recommend Nathan. WE miss him greatly. He was great with my son. He was and still is very interested in how he is doing. We hate that he moved away. Wish there were more like him.
She did very well.
She is a great tutor and is very knowledgeable in many subjects. She is very nice to talk to as well.
She had great knowledge on the subject. The presentation of content was outstanding.I could have not asked for a better tutor.
Jakyra is great and professional. Her teaching material is structured and organized, which make us easier to learn.
So far with Ms. Petty I'm real please. Lisa Gooden
I loved having Deveeshree work with my students! She showed a vast knowledge in the subject area and was able to adapt to my student's schedule. She shows a great passion in having the students retain the information she is teaching them and works through obstacles that occur while encouraging them along the way! I will 100% be contacting her in the future for any of my tutoring/mentoring needs! :)
Nicholas loves McKenna. She is very calm and he really is able to learn from her.
Bradley has done an excellent job with Braxton. He is very prepared and teaches the subjects in a way that Braxton has been able to understand and absorb. We only wish we would have located him sooner!