Reviews San Antonio, TX
Arpine was amazingly helpful! She was prompt for all appointments and was well prepared for tutoring. She was helpful even outside of tutoring sessions via email. My daughter's SAT math score improved by almost 100 points, and I think it will be even higher next time after she continues to practice what Arpine taught her. I would definitely recommend her.
Arpine is a very patient person. She encourages me to undertsand something before moving on to a different thing.
very knowledgeable and patient tutor, rapine knows her material in physics. She uses real life examples to make me understand the material even better.
Mr. Cahill is an awesome tutor. He help my son understand his Physics and Algebra material. My son exceeded the minimum score on his Algebra End of Course exam and his grades have improvement a lot in Physics. Great tutor!
{Tutor is excellent however, I had to get my son in to a different class because he was having too much trouble. So that is why I cancelled the tutoring. Please refund my money. He had one hour cession with the tutor.}
Alex is punctual and reliable. He connects very quickly to the student. He is polite. My daughter has improved and most of all feels more confident about her math skills. I just recommended him one of my friends for her son. He I great.
My son has only had 2 sessions with Bryan and has made some improvements in Physics. Bryan is very professional and always on time. We are very pleased with him so far.
{not commented yet} He very good at presenting things to Emily in a way that helps her understand but also teaching her so she understands future stuff. she is enjoying chemistry much more.
Pooja has been a breathe of fresh air for my daughter, Cristina! Cristina was very frustrated and struggled when it came to learning math, but because of Pooja’s approach to teaching, as well as her patience, she has really motivated Cristina and kept Cristina focused on learning without feeling overwhelmed. I love that even when Pooja has engaged Cristina in a game, Cristina is still learning, but is totally unaware of it. Pooja has done wonders with Cristina, and because of her tutoring, Cristina has become more confident in her math and reading skills; and her math score and reading have improved significantly. I would recommend Pooja to anyone needing a tutor for their child, and I will continue to rely on Pooja for my child’s future needs.
I cannot say enough about Ms. Rangel's tutoring of my daughter, Cristina. After explaining to Natasha about the problems Cristina had with reading & comprehension, Natasha has really engaged my unfocused child with her hands on approach and variety of teaching methods which holds Cristina's interest. I see a huge improvement in Cristina's reading, as well as her enthusiasm for reading!
Bryan is doing a great job helping Aaron with math and chemistry. His grades improved immediately!
{not commented yet}Jacob is a great tutor, he showed my son many ways to remember the formulas for geometry & is also very patient he made my son feel confortable with him from day one.
Bryan does a great job of taking his knowledge and applying it to my lessons. He is always on time. He is easy to get in touch with. He presents the material so that it is understandable and can explain the concepts in depth. I fax the lesson plans to him in advance of our sessions and he comes prepared to assist and explain. He is also helping me to develop better study habits.
Jacob arrived on time and was ready to go. He was friendly and encouraging. He helped him to understand certain math concepts better in just one session. My son is looking forward to future sessions. I feel his confidence in math will improve. We have had our 2nd session with Jacob. He guides my son through the concepts to ensure his understanding. Jacob's words of encouragement are helping my son's confidence in math. His grades in his homework has alreay improved. Each tutoring session with Jacob shows improvement in my son's math skills. We are pleased with my son's progression.
Chelsea is excellent in her knowledge of the subjects. Chelsea was willing to meet before school (7:00 - 8:00am) as this is the best time of day for my duaghter. As a parent, I appreciate her punctuality (even given the early hour) and "professionalism" in terms of feedback and ideas for improvement. Chelsea has also been willing to meet "off-schedule" for special purpose tutoring on a given subject matter. On behalf of my duaghter, Chelsea has been a wonderful match (easy simle, makes Kristina feel comfortable thus is enabling "learning" to occur). Further, as a result of Chelsea's tutoring, Kristina is gaining competence and thus confidence as she benefits from these sessions. I have been so impressed with Chelsea I have modified my contract for an extended engagement. I look forward to writing additional testimonies on behalf of Chelsea !!
Candice has developed a good relationship with my son. She makes sure she is prepared for each session and has provided much needed help with Spanish. My son feels very comfortable working with Candice and asking her questions. She has helped him gain the confidence to succeed in Spanish.
Chelsea always has a positive attitude, very knowledgeable in multiple subjects. She is able to get my daugther motivated, encourages her to be organized, and is effective in getting her to work harder and studying. She is easy to talk to and is able to relate to my daughter. I have seen an improvement in my daughter's attitude and she is now more positive in her classes.
Annie has tutored my son in ACT Math & Science. She always comes well prepared to each tutor session. She developed a plan to increase his skills and has kept to it. After each session she sends an email detailing what they covered and what she intends to do the next session. My son feels confident he has learned a lot from Annie including some test taking tips that he will use when he takes the test in a few weeks. Annie is extermely gifted and a great role model. We are confident in her knowledge of content and her ability to present relevant and helpful test taking skills. We highly recommend her.
Gary is a very awesome and efficient tutor. The main goal for our son was that he liked his tutor because we believe that helps make learning fun. The kids alrready spend enough time in school with teachers and staff they are not quite fond; so it was very important that he enjoyed and responded well to his tutor. Gary is very thorough and seems to really enjoy learning and teaching! Thanks again, Gary!
Julian is an excellent Spanish tutor, he really knows the subject matter but can also verbalize the concepts making it easier to understand. It is obvious that Julian takes great pride in teaching and has a great attitude about ensuring that his students succeed. I have been very satisfied with Julian and his approach. Most importantly, Julian instills confidence by establishing an effective strategy based on my specific syllabus and exam reviews. I will most certainly use Julian in the future for my academic needs and that of my family, two of which are currently in school.