Reviews New York, NY
Ms.Contreras is very understanding,very helpful, patient and always on time. My daughter likes her and said she's better then other tutors she had in the past. She helps me daughter with everything she needs help with.
My daughter is able to relate with her, she is able to understand the concepts of her teaching. I gave her 4 stars, because you always have to leave room for growth. I admire the fact that even when she did not get something, she was able to admit that and research until she found the answer.
We brought Kadeem in to help our 5th grade daughter feel more confident about her math skills. He has certainly accomplished that task! She actually looks forward to her time with him and keeping herself one step ahead of class. Kadeem is respectful. calm and patient. I would definitely recommend him to anyone!
kishan works very well with my son- he understands what he needs and structures the lessons accordingly
Kadeem is wonderful tutor. My son enjoys working with him. He comes prepare to the sessions with an understand of the material my son needs to learn. He makes sure my son understand the material that that was reviewed. First, Kadeem has my son read the material. Then they review material and my son has to write down material on flash cards to be used as a study guide during the week. He also gives a quiz and they review the answers together. Any errors are corrected and discussed. Kadeem is also teaching study skills.
I met Mr. Viral Patel on Saturday, and my daughter loved him. He was very clear, and helpful with the material she was having trouble with. I will definitely use him again.
Great teaching skills and very easy to work with
Gerald enjoyed and liked Eli. Eli was on time and ready to tutor Gerald, Eli did an excellent job.
Shows consistent work, and is able to explain thoroughly .
AMAZING TUTOR Thus far...first my nieces were "not ready" for their tutor...then they didn't want her to leave and actually want more tutoring
Excellent knowledge in the field that we needed.Math!
Finally found a tutor that suits my kids!!
Best tutor we ever had!!!!
My daughter loves Michelle she is extremely patient and knowledgeable. {not commented yet}
Grant is punctual and is responsive to questions or concerns. My daughter feels that she is learning progressively. He knows how to relate with teens and is able to develop a good working relationship wherein Kelsey feels comfortable and at the same time understanding the subject matter at hand.
Great job!