Reviews San Diego, CA
Thank you so much Anagha for taking care my kids, you are amazing tutor, to keep up with my kids, they are getting better grades after took lessons from you
Warren was really good and that it totally helped!!!! So happy fabulous Warren exists in this world! I appreciate the friendly and helpful support I received when I was getting started - very very thankful!
On of the most helpful and kind tutors I have ever had. She helped me brainstorm and come up with my own ideas, while leading me in the right direction without pressuring me or making me feel like they weren't my own ideas. She knew exactly what needed to be done, and knew the right questions to get the answer we needed. Best tutor I've had!
{not commented yet}Richard was very knowledgeable with the material we reviewed.
He is absolutely amazing, super nice, and knows what he is talking about.
Good First Session
Vanessa is very knowledgeable and bright. She is caring and astute when it comes to the needs of her student. She made a personalized plan for my grandson based on his abilities and goals and is very patient and kind to him as he struggles to learn some difficult material. She is encouraging to him and he enjoys working with her. He also feels he is learning a great deal. We all wish she was going to be here more long term.
Ben is awesome. and our first two seasons were good.
Very effective!
Zubair has always been very dependable and eager to help. Truly an asset to his students and FrogTutoring. He is highly recommended!-K
Amazing Service :)
he is really good tutor ive had him for many sessions he is the best of all tutors ive had
he is really good tutor ive had him for many sessions he is the best of all tutors ive had
My daughter has been working with Denise for a few weeks now, ( high school Geometry) and she is already beginning to improve her grade. Her high school moves very quickly through subjects, and it is hard for her to grasp the material at the speed in which they teach. Denise is very math savvy, and it has been invaluable to have her as an added teacher. Denise is also one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met...My daughter and I both feel very fortunate to have her as our tutor. She's Awesome :)
Benjamin has been a great tutor and is very patient with my needs of understanding problem solving. He also explains the math problems with great detail. I really enjoy his tutoring style.
Lauren is amazing, she really cares about her students and their education!
{Brandon was great with my grandson, a lot was covered and Darius is looking forward to working with him in the future. Brandon was not only knowledgeable but very interested in furthering Darius' goals and knowledge. We are very pleased. not commented yet}
Was well prepared for our tutor session, And very knowledgeable about the calculus, I required help with. Contacted me before our tutor session and asked me to send him pictures of a couple example problems to ensure he was prepared for the session.
{not commented yet} great so far
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