Reviews San Jose, CA
{not commented yet}Ankita is doing a great job with our granddaughter to help improve her understanding of math concepts.
Christian is amazing. My daughter has gained so much confidence in just 4 sessions with him. He gives her "homework" to complete after each session and gives valuable feedback after each session. I wish we had found him sooner!
Nicole has been a great tutor for my 5th grader. My son is more confident in Math and has been able to complete homework within a reasonable amount of time.
We've had two sessions with Victor and so far we are pleased. He is creating a good relationship with our son and helping him with organization, note taking, and study skills. Victor has a breadth of knowledge: they have worked on math, balancing chemical equations, and AP World history.
Alexandra is very good at what she does .my daughter loves her and very happy with her .
An is very reliable as a tutor. She is well organized and creates reviews of the material for my daughter which I appreciate. She has great skills in math and science that have been very helpful for us.
Very knowledgeable and presents material very well. Spoke right on my daughter's level so she could understand the material. Very personable and strong communication skills. I was very pleased and so was my daughter. Looking forward to our next session in a week.
Areana's ability to work with our child for pre-calculus was fantastic. Highly, HIGHLY recommended!
Aidan was well prepared. We had him for a couple of sessions to help my prep for the SAT exam. He brought the SAT book, practiced timing and gave suggestions for mental preparation.
Max started tutoring my daughter 2 weeks ago and she is very very happy with his teaching style. In just 2 weeks she has benefitted so much from the tutoring sessions. Max knows his subject very well. We're so glad to find him at the right time. He is punctual and very flexible with scheduling. I highly recommend Max for physics tutoring.
Arthur is very patient. The day after our session, I actually knew what was going on in my calculus class.
My son really likes her and feels she is super smart. Knows her materials really well.
AJ was great...My son thought that he explained the math in an easy way so he could understand the material.
he is an excellent teacher.
Pardis is very good at what she does .my daughter loves her and very happy with her .
Tin really knows the material and can teach it. He is an excellent tutor. I highly recommend him.
{not commented yet}So sweet, patient and accommodating. A good fit for my daughter. Pardis is an extraordinary person. She not only helped my daughter pass two summer college courses, she helped her to gain the confidence needed to do well in the courses. I am so grateful that my daughter had Pardis for her tutor. Pardis really went above and beyond in her tutoring. She gave so much of herself and put her life on hold by not going away on a trip just so she could stay and give my daughter the best possible chance of passing her classes. Pardis taught my daughter what it means to work hard and that you can reap the rewards, as well as instilling confidence in my daughter which will spill over into everyday life. I will forever appreciate all of the wonderful things Pardis did for my daughter. I hope everybody is as lucky as my daughter was to have Pardis as her tutor. Thank you Pardis! You are the best!!!
she is awesome
Thank you for sending Derek. He's very professional and I can see improvements with Emily already.