Reviews Sacramento, CA
Kevin has been absolutely wonderful and patient while helping me prepare for my upcoming TEAS test exam. He explains things very thoroughly and takes time to make sure that I really understand the material being presented. I am very happy to have him as a tutor and he has helped me with a lot in our 2 sessions already. I'm Looking forward to more upcoming sessions and would highly recommend to him to others.
Best tutor ever. She has the demeaner of a teacher with her approach and patience. She really connected with child.
Extremely knowledgeable. Able to break down complex concepts into simple explanations for me to understand.
Very friendly and patient
Kaileen was a great tutor and was able to answer all of my questions.
Chris was very patient and understanding. He knew when to help and when to let me work it out on my own. The right person to not make you feel stupid for forgetting how to do algebra from many years ago.
Aditi Grossman is professional, knowledgeable, and punctual ...
Professiona and knowledgeable
Marina was extremely helpful in teaching me how to perform a statistical analysis in SPSS.
I like Dan. He knows his craft. Jasmin likes him better. She is not used to long sessions but is adjusting. She seems to be improving. Have not seen any grades from school yet(now the teachers are striking). We will have to wait and see. I know Dan puts a tremendous effort in the lessons so hopefully Jasmin will absorb some of the knowledge and exuberance.
Regina is very knowledgeable and very easy to work with. She is an expert in doctoral-level SPSS and advanced statistics.
Matthew was very impressed with Ilya, and looks forward to working with him in the future. Ilya arrived early and you can tell that he came prepared to answer my son's questions. Keep up the great work!
Kristina has been doing a great job of getting to know Jacob, keeping him engaged, and not letting him get frustrated. I really appreciate how thorough the tutoring session summaries are, especially since I frequently am not there.
Rayanna has had a few sessions with my daughter which is to say the tutoring is going well. The sessions are more defined to either pass a test or gain specific knowledge. So far, the sessions are productive.
Melanya was great ! She connected with Abby and appeared to help Abby learn Chemistry. She was on time, knew her topics and overall was a successful tutor.
Don works very well with our son. He has helped our son very much with his reading and has begun to help him with study skills.
{not commented yet}IIya has been patient, friendly, focused and very knowledgeable in the subject of math. He knows how to present the material so my son will learn and comprehend. Great tutor!
Bailey showed up on time and we had a really good first tutoring session. Shes really nice and good at what she does. She was really patient and helped me review for my test.
Doing a great job. Professional and committed to helping student get results.
Darya is very good with presentation of material and positive reinforcement.
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