Reviews Washington DC, VA
Aaron was a great tutor. He worked well with my son!
use very understandable real world examples to explain difficult concepts.
She is very knowledgeable. Her teaching style is fun but I learn a lot. Kallen really helps my understanding and I enjoy it.
She has an excellent knowledge of the various math areas that Clifford is working on. She is easy to wrk with and explains material very well. She is an excellent teacher and very much appreciated.
Charles is a great tutor. He's extremely knowledgeable about the subject matter and presents it very clearly during our sessions. I've really enjoyed working with him.
He is committed and helping my daughter to clarify her doubts. would like to continue with him.
She's Great
Planning to continue with her .
Excellent tutor very helpful and very friendly. Not intimidating for shy high school students. She is a God-send!
Jonas does very well preparing materials for tutoring sessions, providing detailed notes and example problems to help create a further understand of the material. He explains everything well, supporting both the students way of learning as well as providing his own tips and suggestions for knowledge of the topic. Jonas is very friendly and easy to get along with, which makes the tutoring even better.
Didnt know C# like I needed, but was able to help me out none-the-less.
Jiajun helped my son with a college level Intro to Computing class that involved introductory level java programming. He was very patient and knowledgeable and helped my son work through several assignments that had completely stumped my son. He even stayed beyond the scheduled time since he knew that my son had a big test the next day and several assignments to complete. We could not have been more impressed. Great job!
Erika has a good rapport with my son, and knows the subject matter well. Her tutoring is very beneficial to my son.
My son's tutor, Erika Ayala, did a great job with him. She took her time to explain the concepts of problems with which he was having trouble until he understood how to complete the problems on his own. She had a good rapport with him and he thought the tutoring session was beneficial. We look forward to working with Erika again.
Erika is working hard to help my daughter figure out just were she is struggling. I think they are working well together.
she's a great tutor very hands on thanks again.
She is methodical and has lots of knowledge. She has been a great addition
Brittany is dedicated to helping my child grasp the informaton.
We have had two two-hour sessions with Erik and, so far, he has done a terrific job. He is patient and positive with my son, which is huge because my son lacks self confidence and really struggles with the subject matter. He is helping my son on writing assignments and has done a great job of helping him to work strategically to complete his assignments. We could not be happier!
She's great! Knows what she's doing and is super nice! Gives great advice.