Reviews Philadelphia, PA
Really helpful and knowledgeable!
{not commented yet}Tannaz is patient and knowledgable in many areas. She really helped me with calc, chem, and bio classes. She was available for extra time if needed--which was so helpful for tests and midterms.
I think Jessica is an excellent tutor and I am looking forward to learning more from her. I really like how she enjoys statistics and I think that makes a big difference when showing someone like myself issues you do not understand. Jessica was very polite and kind to me throughout the session.
Nicole has changed my verbal scores tremendously! Before I meant Nicole, I was ranging from 6-7 answers wrong per passage. Now, I'm ranging from 0-3 wrong per reading. She pays attention to her client’s weak and strong points. Not only has she taught me the skills to tackle the SAT passages but also helped build my confidence and manage time. Nicole and I are a perfect example of the effects a great tutor can have on your future.
Iggy was a very good tutor. She had good knowledge of the subject and had a very nice demeanor. She was patient. We very much appreciated her help!
Vinod has been great in ensuring he knows where I am having trouble ahead of time and providing prepared content for the session to get me up to speed and helping me understand complex concepts. Highly recommend.
Assata's knowledge and understanding of the material was very strong. She was able to break the information down to a more understandable level.
Very knowledgable; able to communicate concepts well– not an easy task!
Tannaz worked very well with me, and allowed me to pass my General Chemistry I course. She is very knowledgeable in content, as well as study techniques.
Assata is very passionate about physics and engineering and that is clear to see through her teaching.
Awesome and very knowledgeable teacher! Professional yet kind and patient.:)
He's an excellent tutor! He went above and beyond and made sure I really grasped the material! He helped me clear up the concepts that I was confused about and enabled me to get a better grade. I can't recommend him more highly.
Wonderful tutor. Extremely well prepared. Broke everything down so it was easily understood.
Sebastian, has enjoyed the lessons and he is responsive to Daniel's teaching skils. Best Regards, Deby Garcia Assistant and Nanny to Kimberly D. Terry, MD
Anmar was great with Sebastian. The children have availability only on Weeknights. SO we unfortunately we had to chang tutors. Anmar Sebastian really enjoyed your tutor lessons. If this should change then I will get back in touch with you and you are are available. Thanks Best Regards Deby Garcia Assistant to Kimberly D. Terry, MD
Tesla is a wonderful tutor. We are blessed to have her.
EMI was great and perfect for my son Sebastian. I will be booking Emi for tutoring again. Excellent tutor!!!{not commented yet}
very knowlegible of content
Avery said tutor was really nice but she preferred a different tutor.
Chantal is really focusing on Sebastian and Spaulding's school work and has implemented a lesson plan. She is always ready for their next assignments and projects . I try to keep her updated with everything form school. Thanks, Deby