Reviews Baltimore, MD
Gordon is a great tutor. He is more than a tutor to my kids, he is also a life coach to them.
Henry is hard working and dedicated. He has been proactive in looking for learning solutions for our son and has a wide knowledge base. We recommend him highly.
Annette was very helpful with my writing assignment. She helped me to brainstorm ideas, evaluate the structure, and correct minor grammatical errors as well.
Menachem is very knowledgeable and seems to be able to help my daughter grasp the concepts.
Very through and helpful and will work with you step by step and is very encouraging.
My daughter really relates well with Serena ! She loves her tutoring sessions and Serena really helps Erin understand how to problem solve . They study book work and drills that are givin.. we will continue to work with her until Erin Graduates.. Thank you Stephany Smearman
We didnt have this tutor ..
{not commented yet}. We had one session with Peter and we didn’t have our study book. He is very Professional and knowledgeable . We are looking a inhome female tutor for our daughter..
Brian was really professional and worked great with my son...I am proud to say that my son has came along way with Brian's help.
Jennifer was very knowledgeable and pleasant
Katie is great. Highly recommend!!
Hell0, this is my first time using frog tutoring. I have meet with my tutor now twice who is a very smart, polite young gentleman. He is very knowledge of the material we are covering and has explained it to me using lots of examples. I was even more delighted that he was able to meet with me face-to-face.
We had a wonderful experience with Michaelangelo. He kept Connor on his toes! Content was presented in Fast paced manor. Review done as needed. Thank You!
Tomas was the first tutor Mason had for Physics and Algebra 2 and he blew our mind. His knowledge of content and ability to teach Mason is unsurpassed. We are so happy that we found him!
Ramy tutored my son for the summer to prepare him for his SAT and did a remarkable job! He is astute, dedicated and provided Mason with strategies and techniques to improve his test taking skills and perform to his highest ability under pressure. We are elated with the results and would highly recommend Ramy for all of your math tutoring needs!
Excellent instructor, Rutvin provides simple approaches to complex problems. During the first session he showed me a strategy to correct mistakes and analyze problem areas. He is relaxed, extraordinarily knowledgeable and truly interested in helping you be your best.
Mr. Peter is a fabulous teacher. He is not a typical tutor who just skims through your work and then re explains what is on the paper. He is a tutor who integrates themselves with the student's work. He will spend his own time out of tutor time to aggregate the most effective materials, study sheets, and plans for the student that will guarantee them success. I have him for AP Environmental Science and AP Biology. He has knowledge of any science related concept and will explain it in such a way that as a student, motivates you to keep learning more. I've never had a tutor like Mr. Peter who works so hard for me. A very kind hearted man and one who is very punctual about time and comes with a flexible student friendly schedule. I would recommend him to anyone who is looking for quality tutoring. I gave 5 stars but would definitely give more if there were more stars there.
Grandaughter is impressed with Temi.