Reviews Boston, MA
An excellent tutor and a kind individual who is dedicated to helping you understand any challenging material!
Matthew and I concentrated on financial statements in my CFA Level 1 curriculum. He was extremely knowledgeable and, with his own industry experience, he was very effective at providing real-life examples that made it easier to understand the concepts.
Very helpful
I’ve been studying for my HiSET GED exam for five months now and have been through multiple tutors already so I was glad to pair with Marthe. She has helped me so much, she is very efficient at helping me understand the ELA, Mathematics, Science and other topics especially with the longer word problems and how to break them down. I don’t do well in a class setting so her being a great one-on-one tutor who was patient, personable, kind, funny and extremely smart with test taking skills has made all the difference! I scored in the 90th percentile on our last practice exam so I will take the Language portion first! She's awesome!
Our son has experienced a few sessions already with this tutor and so far we are very pleased. She is assisting him with preparing for the ISEE, and we're feeling positive based off the reports. Thanks so much! Update: our son established a great learning relationship with Amia, but we found that meet times were less than the 60 minutes and that scheduling became an issue whereby we had a few sessions to which she did not show.
Very kind and helpful! Adapts quickly to teaching new materials and easily explains concepts for a complete understanding!
Very clear and precise when teaching. Makes concepts very clear and easy to understand
Erik was very patient with my daughter, explained everything as easy to understand. He restores her confidence back. The progress she made was unbelievable.
Riana is extremely helpful and is very thorough in her explanations. She was able to explain the concepts of my class to me and also assist me in working through the problems that were provided in my class.
I learned a lot from my last session, the tutor was very helpful and I enjoyed the tutoring session
Eric was great! He was very careful to take the time necessary to ensure I understood the concepts before moving on to new material. His knowledge of the material was impressive and he always had multiple ways of explaining problems if one of them wasn't clicking for me. I would recommend Eric to anyone struggling with computer science.
{not commented yet}great
Is understanding and flexible
It's really easy to talk with him and work through problems I'm having issues with. He helps me understand why things are the way they are in math, and I feel like I understand the subject a lot more than I had before I began the tutoring sessions.
Amazing and patient and very willing to change teaching styles based on your learning style. Best Neuroanatomy tutor I have ever had and I have tried 3 other folks before him!
She showed that she really wanted to help me and see me succeed. She was very helpful when it came to explaining concepts and made me feel like I actually knew what I was doing.
Very knowledgeable, excellent resource, and always helpful
shes awesome! learning a lot from her so far!
Excellent tutor
She's great.