Reviews Albuquerque, NM
she is a very nice and easy to work with lady. sebastian ,my son liked the way she explain and teach math. cant wait to next week. thx
Brian is very knowledgable and patient,his style works well with my 10 year old!
{not commRoxanne is an excellent tutor. She has helped raise our daughter's grades and encouraged her to do better. ented yet}
Zach is extremely hardworking and dedicated to helping me succeed in math. His patience is through the roof, hes always prepared and he goes above and beyond with his teaching. He's very comfortable to talk to which makes learning math a lot easier. He is overall a stupendous tutor.
Zoya, is on time, presents study plan and ask important questions to help the student get a better grade. She also reviews homework and suggests tips. Ify.
she is great! works well with my 13 year son, one time lesson improved my son's grade drastically and his understanding of the Spanish language. She is great! she knows the subject and knows how to impact it.
{do not remember her}
she a good teacher.
She was awesome. My son lives her
Valeria has helped my son get over a barrier. I think he'll be ready for the next school year!
After confusion with math for years, Che has made this subject easy to understand for our son. He does a wonderful job of challenging him, and teaches him how to find and correct his own mistakes. Awesome tutor!
Awesome!! Wonderful tutor, my son responded really well. He's looking forward to his next session.
I contacted Frog Tutoring with the hopes of finding a tutor for my son Noah, age 6, who is in the first grade. I noticed that he was not reading up to level and was not enjoying reading. We were introduced to Ms. Rouse who set up a phenomenal reading plan with Noah. His reading is progressing steadily. Remembering that Noah IS 6 and may lose attention depending on his mood, etc. Ms. Rouse has found ways to engage, encourage and redirect his reading time into something fun. Noah will now ask me "Is Ms. Rouse coming today?" and if it is not a scheduled day, he is actually bummed! We are very grateful for what Ms. Rouse has brought to Noah. Next week is Noah's parent teacher's conference, our first one since starting tutoring and I am anxious to hear what his teacher says about his progress. I will update after the conference. I feel very lucky that you introduced Noah and me to Ms. Rouse as our tutor. Sincerely, Cara Raff
He is very calm and focused. My son was not excited about having tutoring but, I think he found it very helpful!
Che is very easy to work with. He's very methodical and friendly, and always on time. My daughter has enjoyed working with him.
Professional and engaging. Elias is learning and his performance is improving. She is on time and her sessions are organized and efficient. Very personable, Elias enjoys their time together.
Elizabeth is the best tutor that i have had. she has help me inprove in my class so much. she is always organized with her work and lesson plan for my totoring. Elizabeth has help me also be very organized with my school work.
She is amazing!!!
We absolutely think Andrew is marvelous and greatly appreciate all he has accomplished with Joshua. Andrew's knowledge of the subject matter is excellent, his patience incredible and he goes beyond the call of duty to assist his students with their assignments and with their preparation for exams. He is dedicated and always prompt. Andrew is courteous, kind and considerate. My son's has improved self-confidence and clearly enjoys his sessions with Andrew. Rachael S.