Reviews Chicago, IL
My experience with Ezra has been beyond exceptional!! He is always on time, and very patient! He’s very personable and he makes my child feel comfortable! Ezra is helping my child gain confidence in her work and keeps her engaged and prepared! I recommend him to anyone who needs a professional, down to earth tutor. I absolutely love him!!
Very knowledgeable of content. Gives a variety of ways to solve each problem.
Looking forward to continuing using her for my daughter's tutoring.
Excellent tutor
Ashley is very knowledgeable, professional, and a fantastic tutor.
{very patient and detailed}
{My 16 years old daughter needed some help in math, for the SAT test. Ryan was very knowledgeable, professional and very helpful.}
Michael is punctual, knowledgeable and makes himself accessible. It is pleasure to work with him.
He's very knowledgable, but I just sometimes feel like the situation can get a little wierd when I don't really get something. Like an uncomfortable silence.
{not commented yet} I like Margo a lot. She's willing to roll up her sleeves and work with me so I can understand the material. She's a good tutor as a result!
Margo Lang, what can I say than she knows her stuff and thanks to her I received a "A" in my managerial accounting class. THANK YOU MARGO!
Is very knowledgeable about the course material.
Peter Friel is a really great tutor. Peter is a laid back person and at the same time he makes you feel confident in yourself so you can strive for excellence. He's very patient and time his time if you don't really understand. He has a very sweet and pleasant spirit.
very good tutor would recommend
Peter is intelligent and was well prepared. Not only is he improving their math skills, he is also enabling them the confidence they needed for reading and writing. I'm so happy we found the perfect fit for the long run.
Teko is a very good tutor who really breaks down the subject for my son to understand. I appreciate the time he has taken to make sure Isaiah is retaining the information they work on.
Chiranjeevi was very effective at identifying my son's weaknesses and he taught him how to solve those types of math problems. At first I was concerned with his accent and my son's ability to understand clearly but after the first session, my son was working with him well. I would recommend Chiranjeevi.
- continued Stephanie is the best tutor we had ever! My daughter is an eighth grader. Her comments on her and her tutoring: she is very nice just like a friend, not like a teacher, but she really teaches very well and makes studying fun… She is very responsible for her tutoring. Every session, she prepared well based on my daughter’s progress. After each session, she always wrote a summary about what they did in the tutoring, what are the detailed progress my daughter made in vocab, reading comprehension and essay writing, and more important, on which small part my daughter need to pay more attention to improve. From the perspective of parents, we love to know all these details to see our children’ growing in studying. Stephanie just did very right thing. In this means, I would say that she has very strong observation and perception skill as tutor teacher. I would highly recommend her if you need to find a tutor for your children!