Reviews Columbus, OH
Alex was my tutor for my Fall 2023 OSM 202: Intro to Business Analytics Course. He was always available, energetic, and open to all situations. We encountered a difficult situation in this course almost on a weekly basis and even when I became very frustrated, Alex knew how to calm me down. I appreciate his calm approach and willingness to stick with me.
Very knowledgeable and professional. Alex is helping our daughter with AP Economics. So far, so good. Our daughter has no complaints. Her comfort level with the subject matter has increased.
I felt like Serkan was extremely helpful and did a great job of clarifying some confusion I had with course material. I plan to stick with him for the remainder of the semester and I feel like it will help me to succeed in the ECON 2020 course.
K'Mani, in one session, has restored my confidence in knowing Chemistry will not beat me.
Paul is not only knowledgeable about the subjects he teaches but also diligent and passionate about teaching as a profession.
{not commented yet}Very articulate and resourceful. Has the right approach to my material.
Lisa is the perfect fit our 5th grade son. She is positive, patient, and thorough with understanding and explaining the process of the problems. My son, who is normally shy, has a new confidence with her. We are so happy she is our tutor!
Very patient with kids and does a good job.
Very detailed and my kids love her.
Lisa is very good.
Nanci is great! Our son loves her and he is really progressing with his reading.
Today was our first session. I met with her and was very nice and spoke with Jakob after session and said she helped a lot !
Great Tutor :)
Yash is a great math and Excel tutor..He is really patient with teaching math techniques,and making sure you understand the content.
I don't sit in on the entire sessions so it's difficult to get an exact idea, however from what I have heard and according to Lauren, Harsh has been a tremendous help.
Colin helped me with my Electrical Engineering course on Signals and Systems, he was an excellent tutor and a pleasure to work with.
Very helpful, Thank you!!!!!!!
He is a very thorough and knowledgeable tutor.
Katarina is professional and has a good temperament. She knows her subject matter and my son actually enjoys doing PSAT tutoring with her.
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