Reviews Corpus Christi, TX
good tutor
We are very pleased with Whitney. She always comes prepared. My son's grades have improved. I would highly recommend her.
Josette has been very helpful with our daughter. Very knowledgeable in the material and always prepared. Our daughter enjoys working with her and has excelled in class due to the assistance Josette has given her at home.
Very helpful!
I would like to say that my son is feeling alittle more confident although its only been a few sesssions I noticed a difference. I hope to see his grade results soon. Brittney is very patient and obviosuly a very good tutor. I hope to continue with her services. Rgarza
{not commented yet}this is the tutor to choose!
she was very nice and good tutor.
Komal is doing a great job with Nathan. She always is prepared and works each week on the lessons that his teacher has sent. Nathan seems to have missing pieces of his knowledge of geometry and Komal has focused in on helping him bridge that gap. His grades have improved and I am looking forward to seeing much more improvement.
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