Reviews Denver, CO
She is very patient and kind. Knows how to teach in a way the child can understand.
Availability not good. Cancelled alot.
My daughter is loving meeting with her. She has learned so much in a very short period of time.
Hello Carolyne has been working with my 7 year old son. Our original goal was to improve his reading confidence and efficiency. Both my wife and I have been very happy with the interactions between Carolyne and our son. We could tell fairly quickly that his confidence was going up. Carolyne has also put together a development plan for Steven based on our needs. The one thing I really like is that she is flexible and can add/subtract from that plan as time goes on...
Colette ROCKS!!!!
best tutor I have ever had! Fun, not judge mental , and knows what we need to know to get the best grade we possibly can!
My beginning session has been a great experience. My burden is now gone. He's an accountant expert, and that's what I was looking for. I'm looking forward to many more great sessions throughout working towards my CPA & CMA credential.
Alex is very good tutor, he does great with both my HS boys and different subjects.
Chrissy is fantastic with Kye. Kye was very resistant to tutoring. Chrissy made learning fun. She is very effective, accomodating, and flexible. When I forget to schedule tutoring, Kye reminds me.
Jennifer has been an enormous help to my daughter, who missed more than 30 days of her Sophomore year of high school due to mono. Jennifer has helped her work through both Algebra II honors and Chemistry honors, explaining lessons that she missed and working through assignments with her. She is very thorough and patient, and explains complex concepts clearly. With Jennifer's help, my daughter has almost completely caught up, with just her finals left to take. Without her help, we really would have been at a loss. thank you Jennifer!
Rebekah is wonderful and works well with our boys. She is prepared when she comes to the tutoring sessions and seeks out feedback from our school teachers to help in her preparation.
I feel that Keith did a good job at showing me how to get my assignment done and I I learned how to figure out slopes.
Keith is very adaptable and very patient. He helped my daughter go from failing to a "C" in just 1 month. Very thorough and easy to talk with.
Lana is a very kind and caring tutor. She has been very dedicated to helping my daughter succeed. She would be an exceptional tutuor for students that need confidence, as she brings ecouragement to each session.
I like the way he shows me how to do it. It's not complicated.
Lana is an excellent Tutor. She is very patient and very good at teaching Danielle. My daughter has always struggled in math and now she is in 8th grade in pre-algebra. Her math grade recently slipped to an F and she has brought it up 2 grades after just 4 sessions with her tutor Lana. My daughter came home with a big smile and shared proudly that she received a B for the first time this year on her math quiz. She actually feels like she is starting to understand instead of guessing or dreading math. I am very pleased with her progress. We intend to continue through the end of the school year and she hopes that maybe she can even get an A before the year is over!
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