Reviews Fresno, CA
Very Good Tutor!!
Very good Tutor!
Hart has done a great job with my son. He is knowledgeable, and comes prepared to work. We highly recommend him!
{not commented yet}She has been on time, very helpful and very nice.
Great job. Cheyanna is getting better scores which im overly excited about.
Great personality and helps me understand the material rather than just memorize.
Cathy was a perfect match for my son. Her knowledge of all subjects was phenomenal. She was able to explain concepts to my son on his level so that he grasped the concepts. She explained these concepts in a way that was not over his head and then worked with him until he got it right. She worked with my son on his organizational skills from his messy back pack to his unorganized binder. I would strongly recommend Cathy as a tutor and if the need arises in the future, I will surely request her. Thank you Cathy!
Our work with Ben has just begun but so far it is clear that he has established great rapport with Lindsay and has quickly identified her strengths and challenges. His content knowledge seems very strong based on feedback. Looking forward to seeing Lindsay's performance on upcoming quizzes and tests!
Buss also really likes the help that he is getting from Amanuel in his Chemistry and Algebra II classes. He is learning alot from Amanuel.
My son "Buzz" is really learning alot from Benjamin. He doesn't feel as intimidated with his English AP class. He is really happy that he is getting the help that he needs in this class.
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