she is so patient and very interactive, my son needs to be engaged and shes doing great in that regard.
wonderful experience, my son likes lisa, shes taught him things he didnt know before and he is more confident.
{not commented yet}she is very professional and patience with my son I like the strategy she use working with him. She have great knowledge on tutoring
Very helpful
Jade deserves thousands of stars. Best tutor I have ever had. She explains things in a clear concise manner. He knowledge base is amazing. She is amazing and I am so grateful for her help!!!!!!
Gregory excels as a tutor, demonstrating a genuine passion for teaching and a deep commitment to facilitating student learning. He meticulously delves into the intricacies of concepts, ensuring a thorough understanding by students. Gregory effectively uses examples to actively engage students in the learning process. He is adept in schedule management making him a dependable tutor. Additionally, Gregory's strong communication skills shine through in his detailed write-ups, providing valuable insights into the session, highlighting areas of struggle for the student, and outlining the work accomplished during each session.
Jessie has been awesome with my kids. My daughter struggled with math last year, and Jessie got her completely up to speed in being an A student!
{not commented yet} Carol was wonderful. My child has a lot of energy and Carol was able to work with her and engage her in the lesson. Carol has so many ideas and resources at the ready to shift my child's focus back to the lesson. I'm looking forward to continuing with these sessions and seeing how my child improves over time.
Very helpful and thorough when working with my son. She was very knowledgeable and could convey my son's learning material in a way that he understood. He went from AB Honoroll to A Honoroll! Thank you, Olivia!
We had a few sessions with Ms. Barron virtually and it was amazing to see how creative she was explaining the reading concepts to my 5 year old. We initially had some technical difficulties but she did a great job with improvising to ensure my daughter had a productive session. overall, i enjoyed her way of teaching and how she was able to bond with my young daughter virtually. Even though we no longer have her as our tutor, we still use some of the reading tips with my daughter. Thank you Ms. Barron.
Mr. Forster has been amazing for my 7 year old daughter. I requested tutoring primarily to help her with math. Coming out of first grade, she seemed to be struggling a little so over the holidays, i started her on tutoring to prepare her for 2nd grade. Over the past few months, her knowledge and confidence re: math has visibly blossomed. She gets presented math concepts before they even review them in school. She recently got her 1st semester report card and got an A in math. We are all soo proud of her! Above all, you could tell she was soo proud of herself! Needless to say, we are very grateful for Mr. Gregory and his patience with our daughter. He has made math fu and simplified the concepts for her. She now loves it and looks forward to her tutoring sessions. God bless you sir!
AJ was very patient and knowledgeable of the content. He provide a very detailed and concise explanation with care which helped to ease my anxiety about math.
Kevin has been absolutely wonderful and patient while helping me prepare for my upcoming TEAS test exam. He explains things very thoroughly and takes time to make sure that I really understand the material being presented. I am very happy to have him as a tutor and he has helped me with a lot in our 2 sessions already. I'm Looking forward to more upcoming sessions and would highly recommend to him to others.
Izzy was a great tutor. She clearly knew the subject matter.
Paul was knowledgably and friendly. He was always flexible, and worked around what was convenient for me.
great on helping me understand key concepts and helped with providing practice which allowed me to excel in my class
helped with my understanding of code and was able to do a great job on the AP exam
Very humorous and fun approach to physics. He makes physics interesting to learn.
I loved working with her. She set up a very comforting environment for me and was extremely understanding of anything I struggled with, not only that but I enjoyed being able to converse with her on how my brain works during tests and she gave me the appropriate amount of advice to overcome my problems. Her teaching methods were amazing and I'm looking forward to advancing academically with her as my tutor.
Varre has done a wonderful job of tutoring my high school junior in both AP Physics and accelerated junior year math (Precalculus.). Prior to working with Varre, my son’s grades had been slipping and he was struggling with the concepts in both courses. Varre worked with him for a few weeks and helped my son become more comfortable with the subjects as well as raise his grades. We are looking forward to working with Varre for the upcoming second semester of both courses.