Please Welcome Liana to Frog Tutoring!
Why did
you choose to become a tutor for Frog Tutoring?
I already tutor
neuroscience and physics at Emory, but Frog Tutoring was a great opportunity
for me to tutor (and meet) people of all different ages and backgrounds in the
Atlanta community. Also, Frog Tutoring allows me to work part-time and have a
flexible schedule, which is really important since I am still a full-time
What has been
one of your most memorable experiences tutoring so far?
There was a young
girl I met last year, before I started Frog Tutoring, who was falling behind on
her reading and writing skills. She was self-conscious about reading out loud
in the classroom and had started to really dread anything related to reading
and writing. After several weeks of working with her, she became more confident
in her reading abilities and eventually even asked to go to the library to pick
out some books I had recommended. As an avid reader myself, it made me really
happy to see that I had intervened in situation which could have potentially
turned someone off reading for the rest of his or her life.
If you
could give a piece of advice to your students and other Frog Tutoring students,
what would it be?
While tutoring is
an awesome resource, it is not the only resource available to students. A good
tutor helps a student coordinate a supportive academic community that conforms
to that student’s learning styles and goals. My best piece of advice would be
to consider your tutor a very helpful component of your learning environment,
but not to stop there in your pursuit of help and academic support.
Understanding what learning style works best for you and gaining the confidence
to seek out resources in your environment is an invaluable skill set!
If you
could have any person (living, dead, or fictional) as a tutor, who would it be
and why?
I would definitely
have to choose Salman Kahn of Kahn Academy. I spent an entire summer watching
his videos on calculus, after which I felt like I knew him on a personal level.
(He would mention the birds chirping outside, or refer to his wife in a problem-solving
example.) I would take calculus all over again if I were guaranteed Sal as my
tutor! Sal also has a great way of explaining concepts that I would love to
incorporate in my own approach towards tutoring.
To learn more about Liana and to schedule her, visit her profile here.