Fun Facts
Despite being a public health major at Santa Clara University, I also have a lot of other, completely unrelated interests. In high school, I worked with my youth group at church to put together several mini-films, sparking my interest in drama and film. I haven't been able to pursue film, but you may catch me going on forever about the lighting or camera angles of any major film you might bring up. Sorry! :)
About Me
Currently, I am a junior at Santa Clara University double majoring in Public Health and Music. I've been a Christian since I was 12, and my faith in Jesus has shaped the purpose of my education. Ultimately, I hope to go on to medical school and from there to the foreign mission field to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and help the physically suffering.
Although I haven't been a formal tutor before, several of my friends have approached me at one time or another for help. Most of the time, I would help with chemistry and English, as well as SAT prep for the writing and critical reading sections. Friends have also asked me to help with essays for college applications.
Being homeschooled through middle school and high school was probably one of the best things that happened to me. There were fewer distractions and more one-on-one learning in this layout, and I learned the value of good study habits. My parents were quick to remind me that I would have to prove myself to be more than just a lazy homeschooler. With their constant care and supervision, I came to not just study hard but also to enjoy doing it. I hope to convey the same love of learning to others.
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Public Health and Music
Homeschooling from an Insider's Perspective
We are all familiar with the stereotypical homeschooler: a student who goes to the park for P.E. and probably goes to school in pajamas, a privilege he is usually envied for. Over the past few years,...
"Say What??" Tips for Reading Comprehension
The feeling is familiar and deflating: we read through an entire article or paper or even homework reading for a class and realize that we’ve understood just about nothing....
How NOT to Deal with a Struggling Student
My dad once had a math teacher in elementary school who used to say “There’s no such thing as a dumb student, only dumb teachers.”...
AP Chemistry Tutoring
I did moderately well in AP Chemistry, getting a 3 on the exam without having previously taken high school chemistry. When I went on to take general chemistry in college, I got all A's.
Biology Tutoring
Biology always interested me in high school, and I took both high school biology and AP Biology in parallel. This proved to be very helpful as I found ways to better understand the concepts by integrating the simplified version with the college-level version.
Biology AP Tutoring
I did well in this subject, getting a 5 on the exam. Since I did it in combination with high school biology, I found that I could use the one to simplify the other and thus make sense of the material in my mind. Being a Christian, I do not however subscribe to evolution as the explanation for life's beginnings, but I learned what I could about it and used that knowledge to my advantage.
Chemistry Tutoring
I took high school chemistry after AP Chemistry, exactly opposite to the recommended method. However, having AP level material in the back of my mind helped me as I took chemistry classes, and I succeeded in securing an A for this class as well.
English Tutoring
A Beka Book, the homeschooling company from which my parents purchased textbooks, is known for its excellent English program, which includes reading comprehension, vocabulary, literature, grammar, and poetry. With the guidance of my teachers, I got straight A's in all my English classes throughout middle school and high school.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
As I mentioned before, the A Beka Book program really strengthened my skills in reading comprehension. This became an advantage for me when I took the SAT, allowing me to score 800 on the critical reading section of my second SAT. I have since been able to help others prepare for this section of the exam and comprehend the readings in college writing classes.
Religion Tutoring
I grew up in a Christian family, and have therefore been studying the Bible among my regular school subjects. I secured A's in these classes, and went on to study some theology in college as well. The department of theology suggested that I take on the major after noticing my grades and class participation.
Writing Tutoring
I did well in writing throughout high school, thanks again to the excellent program and teachers of A Beka Book. Both times I took the SAT, I scored well in the writing section, getting scores of 720 and 730 respectively.
Music Theory Tutoring
I have taken several music classes in college and studied piano and violin when I was younger. Cumulatively, these classes have given me what I believe to be a solid foundation in music theory that I would love to pass on to younger musicians.
Study Skills Tutoring
I believe this is the most important skill set to have as a student, since intelligence is meaningless without it. Throughout my high school years, I felt a lot of pressure to excel in studies and outperform my peers. If I had not learned to enjoy learning, the pressure would have proven too much. But with the guidance of my parents and teachers, I have found ways to work hard and enjoy doing so.
SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring
Although I have not actually taken the SAT Prep, I feel that my skills in the equivalent sections of the actual SAT could serve me in helping students prepare. Also, my English grades in high school and middle school could be of service as I acquaint myself with the format of the SAT Prep.
Voice (Music) Tutoring
I have taken about a year of intense training in vocal music. Although I may not be able to actually train a student in voice due to time constraints, I would be glad to help a student explore this field by providing basic instruction.
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